Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Journey Continues

Well, we completed the course - Living From Vision. Fantastic. Steve facilitated it and he did a great job. I hope he does it again so I can audit.

Also, reading Robert Fritz' book THE PATH OF LEAST RESISTANCE. I would recommend it. He points out that living in reaction or response - which is the way most people live - creates powerlessness and victomhood. How true.

Getting it together to go to India. Yes.

Meanwhile the project is moving along. I have all but ten minutes of original music to choreograph.

I am also now under the auspices of a non-profit organization. Big step towards getting grant money. The next step is to manifest a business partner. Yes, I could do it all by myself, and I prefer to have someone experienced in these matters who is excited and committed to make it happen.

Meanwhile, two local videographer/editors have expressed interest. Both of them are aware of my empty pockets and will not be held back by that.

Yes, this project is not mine, it is simply happening through my particular beingness.

The DVDs from the cable shows look pretty darn good! We will be going from 1/2 hour shows to one hour in January.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Bitch Bitch Bitch

I looked at some pictures from last year's trek to India and got really bummed seeing all those young, gorgeous bodies. Sometimes I'm ok with getting old, and sometimes I HATE it!! So what do I do? I go out and get a decaf coffee and a great big chocolate chip cookie. That'll really help get rid of the 10 or so extra pounds. But why try anymore? Why can't I just accept that I'm wrinkled and chubby and love it? God knows I'm blessed to still be able to move at all and to remember most words.

Why the hell can't I learn what I teach?? - to love, honor and accept oneself; to be grateful just to be alive.

Meanwhile, we're getting really discouraged about living here. They won't do anything to upgrade the place. Our rugs are disgusting - old, shabby, permanently stained. If we would want the walls painted, we'd have to do it ourselves. The MAIN thing is the neighbors - the smoker whose smoke gets into our apartment and is killing us. None of the neighbors are people I'd want to hang out with. Am I a snob? You betcha.

My dream is to live in dignity, beauty and cleanliness among people of like mind, creative, curious, and adventurous.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Kali Rose put this together for Steve's 70th Birthday.

First Chakra
I Am the Rich Red Root Support of Tribal Power,
The energy of Mystical Community and Commitment.
I am your doorway to the Divine.
I am called Earth, Moon, and Rose.
My Sacred Truth is: All Is One.

Second Chakra
I Am the Orange Special Abode of the Power of Relationships,
The energy of Partnership, Integrity, and Maturity.
I help you find your Divine Purpose.
I am called Righteous One, the Foundation of the World.
My Sacred Truth is: Honor One Another.

Third Chakra
I Am the Yellow Shining Jewel of Personal Power,
The energy of Self-Esteem, Self-Respect and Spiritual Union.
I help you come of age and stand on your own Divine Two Feet.
I am called the Right and Left Legs of God.
My Sacred Truth is: Honor Oneself.

Fourth Chakra
I Am the Green Pure Sound of the Creation of Emotional Power,
The energy of Love, Authentic Power, Tranquility, and Harmony.
I help keep your heart filled with the Vital energy of Divine Love.
I am called Compassion, Beauty, and The Heart of the Tree.
My Sacred Truth is: Love is Divine Power.

Fifth Chakra
I Am the Sky Blue Purified Power of Will,
The energy of Faith, Trust, and Truth.
I help you make contact with your own Divine Plan.
I am called The Right and Left Arms of God.
My Sacred Truth is: Surrender Personal Will to Divine Will.

Sixth Chakra
I Am the Indigo Command of the Power of the Mind,
The energy of Action, Right Livelihood, and Reasoning.
I help you become a Divine Channel.
I am called Wisdom and Understanding.
My Sacred Truth is: Seek Only Truth.

Seventh Chakra
I Am the Amethyst Thousand-Petaled Absolute Power of Spiritual Connection,
The energy of Ecstatic Moments and The Power of Now.
I help you release your fear and connect to the world of the Infinite.
I am called the Supreme Crown of God.
My Sacred Truth is: Live in the Present Moment.

Judgment and Preference

We all have our "judgments." I prefer to use the term "preference" in that it becomes something personal. My preference doesn't have to be yours, whereas judgments often become something we feel should be shared by others.

To attempt to eliminate judgment, i.e. preference is, in my opinion, (another synonym for judgment) unrealistic. Here are a few more words in the family: discrimination; choice; passion; likes; dislikes; beliefs.

I choose to allow you your judgments, preferences, opinions, discriminations and choices. Just don't expect me to follow lemming-like where you go; nor do I expect you to agree with my judgments, preferences, opinions, discriminations, choices, passions, likes, dislikes and beliefs.

One of my judgments, i.e. preferences, is that I dislike it intensely when someone preaches at me, tells me how I should think, act or be.

We will be expanding the Cable TV show to an hour. It was a half-hour show. I believe this will give me the time to really offer a full experience. We shall see. So now I have a few rough cut DVDs. One is Yoga, another is Qi Gong, two are movement to music (based on Nia). With my new computer, I'm able to burn DVDs - even label them. The beauty of technology. This morning I had a long talk/listen to a man who feels that all this technology has a negative effect on humanity. He's fairly young to be mourning the "good old days." Oops, there's my judgment.

Meanwhile, I'm enjoying the challenge of learning the ins and outs of Windows 7. Many frustrations, many victories.

Starting to get it together to go to India. Details. Details. I was reminded of the practicality of having a container for my passport etc. to wear around my neck. One of my dear students will be loaning hers to me. She will also loan me some special packing assists. This reminds me a bit of years ago when I went of tour. Lists lists lists!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

New and old Ventures

Well, I've gotten myself in debt - not a huge amount, but something I want to take care of quickly.

Reason? I'm going to India for a Nia blast at Auroville Community. The airfare costs more than the room, board and classes for ten days. We also incurred a few other expenses. AND I got a letter from the IRS that I owe an additional $700 plus. My accountant informs me that, unfortunately, this is correct.

SO I asked my inner guides what to do about my concern. All of a sudden people started asking me to sub for their yoga and Nia classes. Also, I got the "message" to put it out that I am available as a writer/editor.

My debt is in the form of credit cards, so I can pay the monthly minimum and get slammed with interest. I can also pay monthly to the IRS. It will all work out. Mainly, I must release my judgment - not make myself bad and wrong. It was drilled into me that it is shameful to be in debt - that it shows lack of character. I have taken "pride" in handling money efficiently to stay out of debt. Pride goeth before a fall.

Okay this blog is supposed to be about THE GENTLE WAY TO FITNESS!

Well, it's happening. The cable TV appearances are going well. I now have a few really decent DVDs to share. We're going to continue in 2010. Jeremy and I had a really good talk over Thanksgiving and we reached a deeper understanding.

I'm feeling ready to give more classes and workshops. I can do this as a Black Belt Nia teacher also - Gentle Nia.

In the meantime - or along with it all - I am taking a course that my husband teaches. It's called "Living From Vision." This course is amazing and I know it is giving me more tools for my reaching my goals.

As my friend Lee would say, "It's all good."

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving giving Thanks

We're on our way to Seattle tomorrow to do the family thing. Back on Friday, then I'm part of a Nia Jam for canned foods on Saturday.

We purchased a Windows 7 computer.

It's been a bit of a hassle to use it.

Where's my MUSIC???

Patience Patience Patience.

Gratitude Gratitude Gratitude.

Friday, November 13, 2009

How strong can I be?

Once again, my husband is in bed with another gout attack. I realize I am angry at his son, who lives in Portland and doesn't have a 9-5 job. He's a musician. He could come over and help me. The last time Steve had a gout attack and I called Jeremy and told him I was feeling overwhelmed and frightened, Jeremy told me I should be more compassionate. He didn't offer to come over and help out. He called the next day to see how his father was doing. He also apologized for being unsympathetic to me. That was the end of his support.

Steve said, "Does it give you peace of mind to be angry with Jeremy?"

Change what I can
Accept what I cannot change
And give me the wisdom to know the difference.

I'm putting together the routine I'll be doing for cable TV next Wednesday.

The best way to use my energy is to do what needs to be done and let go of the desire to have things be different than what they are.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I dreamt that Jill C. and I went in her car to Carlos and Annie's wedding. The deal was that if someone was in the first 10 cars to arrive, they could attend. We met that criteria. Jill and I and another woman (don't know who) sat in seats in the ballroom where the ceremony was to be held. Annie walked alone to the designated area. I don't remember what she was wearing, but I think it was something simple. Then Carlos came in. His hair was gray. He wore a PLAID suit jacket..looked really odd. He walked around Annie eight times. I thought that was a little odd also. In the Orthodox Jewish religion, the bride walks around the groom eight times.

That's all I remember of that dream. I dreamt it a few nights ago and didn't write down the details.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Back from San Diego

Five days. Did some of the things we planned. I didn't get in touch with any Nia teachers - on purpose. This trip was specifically for Steve's 72nd birthday. We rented a sailboat and he demonstrated that he is, indeed, a sailor. He's so at HOME sailing. I, on the other hand. . . oh well, I was a good sport about handling the jib. All in all, it was an excellent trip. I did "deliberation" (see a lot and it really enhanced my experience. Mindfulness is a good synonym for "deliberation" if you don't want to look it up on the website.

Went to class (KelmanWorks) last night. It was the last in a series. Another layer of my way of being removed itself during the first exercise. Instead of reaching for results, I allowed the moves to reveal themselves. I'm doing this more and more in my teaching and my life.

I realize, once again, that I have a lot to unlearn in order to reveal my authentic self to myself. Somewhere under all the technique, skills and ego is the brilliant light of the child who knows what she doesn't know. More and more I am trusting that child. I call her my Higher Self.

Each morning lately, I make a conscious choice to simply be happy no matter what. If my happiness depends on what's in the bank, on my back, on the dinner table, who my friends and family are, where I live, the weather, the car I drive, what I see in the mirror, the books on our bookshelves - well, I could say I'm generally happy BUT if my happiness depends on none of those things and/or circumstances - well, I can be ECSTATIC, in BLISS.

Flying free.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Honey and Cinnamon

I'm really excited about this. I would add that the honey should be raw so as to maintain all the enzymes.

Cinnamon and Honey
Honey is the only food on the planet that will not spoil or rot. It will do what some call turning to sugar. In reality honey is always honey. However, when left in a cool dark place for a long time it will do what I rather call "crystallizing". When this happens I loosen the lid, boil some water, and sit the honey container in the hot water; turn off the heat and let it liquefy. It is then as good as it ever was. Never boil honey or put it in a microwave. To do so will kill the enzymes in the honey.

Bet the drug companies won't like this one getting around. Facts on Honey and Cinnamon: It is found that a mixture of honey and Cinnamon cures most diseases. Honey is produced in most of the countries of the world. Scientists of today also accept honey as a 'Ram Ban' (very effective) medicine for all kinds of diseases. Honey can be used without any side effects for any kind of diseases.

Today's science says that even though honey is sweet, if taken in the right dosage as a medicine, it does not harm diabetic patients. Weekly World News, a magazine in Canada , in its issue dated 17 January,1995 has given the following list of diseases that can be cured by honey and cinnamon as researched by western scientists:

Make a paste of honey and cinnamon powder, apply on bread, instead of jelly and jam, and eat it regularly for breakfast. It reduces the cholesterol in the arteries and saves the patient from heart attack. Also, those who have already had an attack, if they do this process daily, they are kept miles away from the next attack.. Regular use of the above process relieves loss of breath and strengthens the heart beat. In America and Canada , various nursing homes have treated patients successfully and have found that as you age, the arteries and veins lose their flexibility and get clogged; honey and cinnamon revitalize the arteries and veins.

Arthritis patients may take daily, morning and night, one cup of hot water with two spoons of honey and one small teaspoon of cinnamon powder. If taken regularly even chronic arthritis can be cured. In a recent research conducted at the Copenhagen University, it was found that when the doctors treated their patients with a mixture of one tablespoon Honey and half teaspoon Cinnamon powder before breakfast, they found that within a week, out of the 200 people so treated, practically 73 patients were totally relieved of pain, and within a month, mostly all the patients who could not walk or move around because of arthritis started walking without pain.

Take two tablespoons of cinnamon powder and one teaspoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water and drink it. It destroys the germs in the bladder.

Two tablespoons of honey and three teaspoons of Cinnamon Powder mixed in 16 ounces of tea water, given to a cholesterol patient, was found to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood by 10 percent within two hours. As mentioned for arthritic patients, if taken three times a day, any chronic cholesterol is cured. According to information received in the said Journal, pure honey taken with food daily relieves complaints of cholesterol.

Those suffering from common or severe colds should take one tablespoon lukewarm honey with 1/4 spoon cinnamon powder daily for three days. This process will cure most chronic cough, cold, and clear the sinuses.

Honey taken with cinnamon powder cures stomach ache and also clears stomach ulcers from the root.

According to the studies done in India and Japan , it is revealed that if Honey is taken with cinnamon powder the stomach is relieved of gas.

Daily use of honey and cinnamon powder strengthens the immune system and protects the body from bacteria and viral attacks. Scientists have found that honey has various vitamins and iron in large amounts. Constant use of Honey strengthens the white blood corpuscles to fight bacterial andviral diseases.

Cinnamon powder sprinkled on two tablespoons of honey taken before food relieves acidity and digests the heaviest of meals.

A scientist in Spain has proved that honey contains a natural ' Ingredient' which kills the influenza germs and saves the patient from flu.

Tea made with honey and cinnamon powder, when taken regularly, arrests the ravages of old age. Take four spoons of honey, one spoon of cinnamon powder, and three cups of water and boil to make like tea. Drink 1/4 cup, three to four times a day. It keeps the skin fresh and soft and arrests old age. Life spans also increase and even a 100 year old, starts performing the chores of a 20-year-old..

Three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder paste. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. If done daily for two weeks, it removes pimples from the root.

Applying honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts on the affected parts cures eczema, ringworm and all types of skin infections.

Daily in the morning one half hour before breakfast on an empty stomach, and at night before sleeping, drink honey and cinnamon powder boiled in one cup of water. If taken regularly, it reduces the weight of even the most obese person. Also, drinking this mixture regularly does not allow the fat to accumulate in the body even though the person may eat a high calorie diet.

Recent research in Japan and Australia has revealed that advanced cancer of the stomach and bones have been cured successfully. Patients suffering from these kinds of cancer should daily take one tablespoon of honey with one teaspoon of cinnamon powder for one month three times a day.

Recent studies have shown that the sugar content of honey is more helpful rather than being detrimental to the strength of the body. Senior citizens, who take honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts, are more alert and flexible. Dr. Milton, who has done research, says that a half tablespoon of honey taken in a glass of water and sprinkled with cinnamon powder, taken daily after brushing and in the afternoon at about 3:00 P.M. when the vitality of the body starts to decrease, increases the vitality of the body within a week.

People of South America , first thing in the morning, gargle with one teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder mixed in hot water, so their breath stays fresh throughout the day.

Daily morning and night honey and cinnamon powder, taken in equal parts restores hearing.

Friday, October 30, 2009


It's not about waiting for something to happen or gritting our teeth while we go through the motions over and over again to practice something. It's about taking the time to really explore what is, to listen with our hearts as well as our ears - to ourselves and to our other selves.

Big lesson for me. I have a tendency to want the results NOW, to assuage any kind of hunger NOW - instant gratification. That way I lose the joy of curiosity and exploration.

Take the experience of it's noon or one o'clock. I think I'm hungry. What do I know about REAL hunger? Thank you God for providing me with food and drink whenever I need it or think I need it. So today, instead of impatiently finding a restaurant, I decided to explore the sensations going on in my body - my feet, hands, belly, throat, eyeballs, without the label of hunger. It was really interesting.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Story Someone Sent - Let's Run Through the Rain

A little girl had been shopping with her Mom in Target. She must have been 6 years old, this beautiful red haired, freckle faced image of innocence.. It was pouring outside. The kind of rain that gushes over the top of rain gutters, so much in a hurry to hit the earth it has no time to flow down the spout. We all stood there under the awning and just inside the door of the Target.

We waited, some patiently, others irritated because nature messed up their hurried day. I am always mesmerized by rainfall. I got lost in the sound and sight of the heavens washing away the dirt and dust of the world. Memories of running, splashing so carefree as a child came pouring in as a welcome reprieve from the worries of my day.

The little voice was so sweet as it broke the hypnotic trance we were all caught in 'Mom let's run through the rain,' she said.
'What?' Mom asked.

'Let's run through the rain!' She repeated

'No, honey. We'll wait until it slows down a bit,' Mom replied.

This young child waited about another minute and repeated: 'Mom, let's run through the rain,'

'We'll get soaked if we do,' Mom said..

'No, we won't, Mom.. That's not what you said this morning,' the young girl said as she tugged at her Mom's arm.

This morning? When did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet?

'Don't you remember? When you were talking to Daddy about his cancer, you said, 'If God can get us through this, he can get us through anything!'

The entire crowd stopped dead silent. I swear you couldn't hear anything but the rain.. We all stood silently. No one came or left in the next few minutes.
Mom paused and thought for a moment about what she would say. Now some would laugh it off and scold her for being silly. Some might even ignore what was said. But this was a moment of affirmation in a young child's life. A time when innocent trust can be nurtured so that it will bloom into faith.

'Honey, you are absolutely right. Let's run through the rain. If GOD let's us get wet, well maybe we just needed washing,' Mom said.

Then off they ran. We all stood watching, smiling and laughing as they darted past the cars and yes, through the puddles. They held their shopping bags over their heads just in case. They got soaked. But they were followed by a few who screamed and laughed like children all the way to their cars.

And yes, I did. I ran. I got wet. I needed washing.

Circumstances or people can take away your material possessions, they can take away your money, and they can take away your health. But no one can ever take away your precious memories...So, don't forget to make time and take the opportunities to make memories everyday. To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven.

They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Yoga Session and a Stupid Film

I've been busy putting together my yoga session for Cable TV. So far I've done three cable shows. It's good discipline. Once I got past looking at that old broad with slightly buck teeth and a slightly chubby middle on TV (yeah that's the body I'm in current residence of) I was satisfied with the result. Let's face it, this is cable. It's good practice for me as I tend to need a specific goal for discipline.

Oh yeah, I got a look at the movie I'm in, the one where I'm sitting next to Jennifer Aniston in a yoga class. It's a split second shot in a BORING film, Management. DON'T see it!!

I would like to do another film or two before I check out. AND I would want it to be a decent role in a decent film - not in some mindless waste of time like Management. Sorry Jennifer. Would you believe they put a wig on her? Looks awful. Why would they cover that lovely hair? The film was made here in Portland, OR.

Well, my Nia teacher, Carlos Rosas, is getting married. There was mass confusion regarding the wedding reception. He had sent out an announcement asking all us Nia-ites to hold him and his bride in our thoughts. We were NOT invited to the wedding OR to the reception. Life is such a comedy.

Today's thought is "Appreciation." Do I appreciate the life I've created for myself? YES YES YES. It's a good life. Truly.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Body Alignment

Before my Nia class today, I was approached by a gentleman who teaches Tai Chi. He offered to teach my class proper alignment the way he does it for his class. I reviewed it with him. There were a few variations from the way I teach it (from my experience in Yoga and Alexander Technique) and in the way he did it. Interesting.

I let him show the class and continued the focus of Body Alignment. It was a great focus.

I had the thought that it would be interesting to learn at least one new thing everyday. Just think - 365 new things a year!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Rap Poem

I have an email friend. We live 3000 miles from each other. We started emailing back and forth a couple, maybe three years ago. We send poetry to each other. I asked her permission to share this poem on my blog. Here 'tis.

“The Senior Laughing Club” by Kay Weeks

Well, I’m in such a rage
Can’t get it on the page!

Do I pout, NO! Just get it out!

Do you have any doubt
What defines the human race?
Look at my face!

It IS a race, a jealous, competitive
Stampede to the end, to the cliff

This is how it goes:

You gotta be first You gotta be right
You gotta put me down
Shove your food scraps on my plate
Tell me how I feel. Did you finish YOUR meal?

I mean, it’s war here. Let me ask:

Do you have your teeth?
Is your hair gray?
Can you see—well, not me.

Senior is a word

Read GENERATIONS, the senior rag.
Sorry Mary McGraw, you’re a good gal—

But it’s all about therapy, fat pants,
Hearing aids, Planning your will,
Keeping your spirits UP for God’s sake…
Nurses, caregivers, PABLUM,
Actually I have total recall, so nix
The Vitamin B 12.

Asking you: All this down stuff.
What you gonna do about it?

I dance, draw, I love someone—well—
OK, we’re supposed to be over all that! Just a cat!
I smell the salt air, and not on my knees or in a chair.

Speaking of which, Yeah!
I know one good fall
Down my steep stairs
And it’s all over!

Let’s review that in case our memories
Are less than clear:
A young friend brought it up the other day:

Hate to demean ya
But what do you think
Sen-ya means?

Benefits, Respect, Leading, Chief, Elder, Superior?

How about elderly person, old folk, old timer
Pensioner, retired person.
I’ll take that one!

How about sweet? Smell my feet!
It all means we're on our way out.
How you gonna take that? Not lying down, I hope.
Let your frustration, your anger out out out
Dylan Thomas said it best

Up with our spirits, up with our day.
Age is only a word, not in MY vocabulary anyway,
Now, I mean it, HAVE A GOOD DAY.

October 17, 2009

Doing and Reviewing

Carol. Simone and me. Three of us Black Belt Nia teachers teaching a Nia Jam. Three songs each. Afterwards, three of us at a cafe discussing our performances. Feedback. Self-evaluation. VERY helpful and nurturing. We three are a good mix. I am the oldest and softest. My strongest attributes are compassion, imagination and flexibility of body and mind. Carol is spot-on with precision, clear communication and strength. Simone presented lightness and playfulness.

During our discussion, we three reminded ourselves and each other how much we have been given by Nia and those who have embodied it.

Like any good thing, Nia isn't for everybody, but those who are drawn to it, who practice it and those who teach it benefit greatly.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

Rehearsed with my producer and the two women who will be playing the part of yoga students demonstrating the Yoga Gentle Way to Fitness, or Gentle Yoga. One will sit in a chair to demonstrate and the other one will stand and sit on the yoga mat.

During rehearsal, one of the students had a lot to say, many suggestions and directions. The producer, also someone who has done a lot of yoga, gave her suggestions and opinions. Interesting experience for my ego. I believe I was able to accept the situation with C.O.A.L. - Curiosity, Openness, Acceptance and Love. I will be teaching (subbing) a class come Sunday and a couple of the suggestions made may find their way in my presentation. No matter how many years I've studied and practiced yoga, I am always amazed at the variety and complexity available in it. And this is just the Hatha Yoga branch!

Tomorrow I'll be part of a Nia Jam. I'll be doing Traveling, Opal and Downtown from OPAL.

For me, the constant challenge is to avoid comparison where I most often place myself in the position of not as good, attractive, intelligent or appealing as the other. Silly game, n'est-ce-pas? At least I'm at the point where I catch myself playing that game and switch to following the four agreements. "Speak with Impeccability, Take nothing Personally, Assume Nothing, Do Your Best." or some other useful tool. There are so many! Like counting my blessings.

Back to reviewing for tomorrow.

May all who read this be blessed. May all who don't read this be blessed also.

I drop my pebble of love in the pond and watch the ripples expand.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Where it Stay?

Steve and I have two airline tickets to go to San Diego. We arrive November 1st and leave November 5th. He contacted two friends that live there. One has moved. The other hasn't responded to his phone calls or email. On to couch surfing. They're all so YOUNG. I guess it's a generation thing. We got one response so far. The guy has someone there already.

Anybody reading this who lives in San Diego and would LOVE to have two old codgers with young hearts and minds surf their couch?

I may tap the Nia population.

Did we really do this?

What happened to being practical?

Oh well, one of our attractions to each other 24 years ago is that we are both adventurers. So far we've survived and thrived. As my dad used to say, "Money is round. It comes and goes and rolls and rolls." I have no medical insurance other than Medicaid and no death insurance. (They call it life insurance, a gross misnomer). Sometimes I wonder what will happen to my body when I leave it. I've thought of donating it to a medical school. My son might be very upset about that. We've discussed it briefly and he may want to take care of the vacated shell.

People just hate to talk about death. As far as I'm concerned, it's no big deal. It's like wearing out a pair of shoes - or maybe they're too tight. Putting bodies in boxes in the earth seems like such a waste of space and wood. The Native Americans were so much more ecological.

It's 5:40 AM. I've been awake since 3ish. Think I'll go back to reading Journeyto the Center of Creation by Ilonna Selke.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Moving right Along

I was reading a couple of other blogs this morning. Blogs take on different roles. Some are entertaining. Others are used as teaching tools. Mine is pretty much a personal journal where I share my thoughts and doings.

Here goes today's blog:
SO much going on! Do I have the energy to take it all in?

I will be auditing Nia Brown Belt this afternoon and all day tomorrow. Nia continues to offer me so much. I am continually grateful to be included in it.

Saw the movie "A Serious Man" last night. Coen brothers. Omigod. It was, as all their movies, BRILLIANT!! The characters were mostly Jewish with all the Jewish "stuff". I wonder if non-Jews would find it as hysterically funny. I also wonder how Orthodox Jews would react to it. Steve and I LOVED it. I want to see it again. Of course, I am a big fan of the Coen brothers, their wacky sensibilities and obvious skill as film makers. Whenever I see a movie, I am impressed by the huge number of people it takes to put it together. It takes a village to raise a child. It takes a city to make a movie. Yes, my desire to be part of a movie gets rekindled when I see the artistry of such a one as we saw last night. The desire does not burn as it has in the past, so I will let the fire subside and satisfy myself with the activities of the day.

Yes, I thought I would be a famous movie star. If I was a famous movie star, would I be writing this blog? And if I did, how would it be? And then, perhaps it would be visited by so many people hungry to be dusted by stardust. Anonimity has its place.

We went out to a farm yesterday to help. Came home with chrysanthemums and mucho green stuff. I made a big pot of soup (with the green stuff, not with the chrysanthemums). C'mon over and help us sup it.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

John Veltheim and BodyTalk

I am blessed to be taking John Veltheim's weekend seminar entitled FINDING HEALTH - Mapping The Healing Process.

Dr. Veltheim is presenting the most accurate scientific and spiritual information available. I won't go into detail. Once again, one can google the name and get a great deal of information.

I feel as though each day is a universe. All my cells sing with dharmic certainty. So many of the things I experienced intuitively during childhood, young adulthood, middle age and now advanced age have been acknowledged.

BodyTalk is an extremely valuable assistance to health. I highly recommend it!



Monday, September 28, 2009

Blue Belt and then some

Yesterday I audited some of the Blue Belt. Perhaps one of the most useful principles is "The Power of Two." Without going into too much detail, the basic concept is that the "receiver" (an excellent name for the listener in a conversation) is 100% there, i.e. neutral to receive the "transmitter" who is 100% clear. I noticed that I was a smidgen better at transmitting than at receiving.

A wave of sadness poured through me as I listened and watched Carlos deliver his part. And yet, it is clear to me that I will thrive and survive whether or not Carlos is in my life. I have survived the loss of so many people! Perhaps their spirits are still floating around and affecting thoughts, feelings and experiences.

As I danced for an "audience" (2/3rds of the class), I noticed that not everyone was noticing me. I had a moment of, "Hey, I'm giving you my self; don't you want it?" Then I realized that is the way of it, and I let go. So I give and there will be some who receive - perhaps even benefit - from what I have to give. There will be those who don't notice me at all. There will be those who see/hear me and have a negative reaction. My job, my ONLY job is to find my authentic self and be willing to give that to myself. I think of the sun. It stays in its place and gives light and heat. Sometimes it is obscured by clouds and/or rain. Sometimes we hide from it in our little boxes we call home. It just burns on - and on - and on. It doesn't try to be the moon or a waterfall or a monkey. It doesn't "know itself" - it just IS.

Getting ready for the next taping for cable TV.

1. Keep your word: I'll do that
2. Don't take anything personally: Sure
3. Assume nothing: Absolutely
4. Do your best: Ah, time to get back to preparing.

But first, I'll read a blog or two.


Thursday, September 24, 2009


The last few days have been VERY intense. Blue Belt Nia Teacher Douglas from Vancouver Canada drove in Monday. We both audited White Belt and took classes. I taught Tuesday and Wednesday. Douglas videotaped on Wednesday. I'm curious to see the results.

From talking and talking and talking with him (he's definitely one of my soul brothers) I realize, again, that I am a multidimensional being. This has its advantages and disadvantages. At this point, however, I am choosing to allow that it is my nature (must have some Gemini somewhere. I am also choosing to take the soup and the nuts of it. So there!

For me, one of the high points of Douglas' visit was helping him choose the gift for his lady. He bought her a lovely crystal pendant and chain.

We experienced a lot of Nia. I'm reminded of this extraordinary gift in my life.

Slept for a couple of hours and then awoke to organize and reorganize books and cd's and DVD's and made outrgeious mashed potatoes, did theater exercise assignment and started to review the songs I will be teaching during our JAM on Saturday. Now I'm on the computer to catch up with emails and this Blog.

Life is good - especially with mashed potatoes made from farm fresh organic potatoes, garlic I picked myself, real butter, a dash of cayenne, tumeric and sea salt in my stomach. Who eats mashed potatoes at 4 AM? ME!!

My students, who are all past 60 and then some, and I agree that one of the best things about aging is that we care less and less what others think about us. Freedom!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Carlos Rosas Announces his Retirement from Nia

I posted this as a comment on Jill's blog and realized that I want to put it on mine for others to read. Here 'tis.

I hope you read this, Jill. You expressed so very beautifully what many of us are feeling - our gratitude - our memory of Nia, Carlos and Debbie. Carlos spoke to us who attended his class last evening (Friday, September 18th - the eve of the Jewish New Year). This was not a sudden decision. He will be with us teaching Intensives and classes until December 31, 2010. What came up for me when I read the announcement from Nia was - "Oh my God, how many classes have I missed that I could have gone to?" Is this not a typical reaction? And isn't it cool that I can get myself to more classes during the next months that Carlos will be teaching? Usually when someone leaves, it's fairly sudden and we don't have the opportunity to "make up for lost time." Thank you Carlos, for giving us this long warning of your exit from our lives as one of the Nia mavens. And of course, he is a part of us who have experienced him, as we are each a part of him. We are One.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Busy Times

Well, I got a shock when I saw the DVD of our first show which will be on cable TV. Steve did an excellent job of interviewing. My speaking and demonstration of The Gentle Way to Fitness was decent- could have been tighter. HOWEVER, technically it sucked! The music was much too low, and the camera work was way amateurish. There was no background - just a stark green wall.

What did I expect? Did I expect a professional job to be done by people who are not professionals, who don't have access to the time and equipment it takes to make a slick product?

So here's what I learned. Everything is a mirror. I could have prepared more; I could have expected less; accepted what we did do and allowed it to be just fine. Ego busting. Let go of comparison. Be in the moment. Allow for expansion and growth. We will be taping 8 more shows - 1/2 hour each. Things will be better.

So much to learn! Always more to learn. Biggest lesson for me is to Accept.

God grant me the power to change what I can, accept what I cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference.

Jeremy is putting together some more new music.

Tonight I attended a three hour class in BodyTalk Access. I will attend the second half - also three hours next Tuesday night. Thursday starts my new session of KelmanWorks. Saturday, Vinn Marti is giving a free Soul Motion class. Friday night starts Rosh Hashonah - the Jewish New Year. Next week Elsie Stuhr Senior Center starts classes. I will be teaching two of them - depending on registration. Thank you God-Self for all these extraordinary activities and for the love and beauty permeating All That Is!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Fitness is a way of Being. Yes, I meant to capitalize being. Usually, when one says someone is fit, one means that someone is healthy in mind, body, emotions and spirit. The way to be fit is an ongoing journey - many paths. I am convinced that one size fits all, i.e. that there is one right way, is ridiculous. My way to become fit may not suit another. There are SO many paths to the goal of fitness. It's exciting and delightful for me to explore as many of them as I have time.

Fitness of Body:
1. Nutrition - what we ingest - water, food, air
2. Exercise - how we move - how we are still

Fitness of Mind:
1. How we think
2. What we read, listen to, watch

Fitness of Emotion
1. How we choose to react to what is
2. How we express our reactions

Fitness of Spirit
1. Our individual attitude and ideology

Fitness of Soul
That's already perfect. Accept it!

Some of these overall definitions collide and some merge.

How about I ask myself in each moment, "Does this serve me on my journey to fitness?"

Some of what DOESN'T serve me: comparison, self-doubt, belief in limitation, giving in to dumbing down TV and other stimulation, certain foods.

What DOES serve me may or may not serve you. I just finished reading Tom Robbins latest book, In Cognito. It serves me to read anything that man writes!

Just to share - what serves me is an attitude of gratitude. What serves me is opening to love in all its forms.

Reading Vinn Marti's journals (blog the name if you're curious)and what he says about music - yes. Choosing sound serves me. It's all vibration. It's all music. I choose to take it in as energy. Thank you God for giving me a voice that is pleasant to others, that serves as a tool for healing. Well, I could go on and on.

What serves me now is to get outdoors in the sun. Later.

Vinn Marti

Yesterday (Saturday, September 12, 2009 – Cosmic Yellow Human) was an extraordinary experience for me. I attended Vinn Marti's Soul Motion class. During the first part, I was flooded with emotions, memories and realizations. I watched myself thinking and feeling. After our break, I simply danced. One of the many thoughts that crossed my mind is how I hide behind technique. Another thought that crossed my mind is that in some ways I actually prefer being alone, certainly prefer being free of concern about my or anyone’s judgment or opinion.

I’ve been thinking about Vinn and about me since we danced together years ago. Years ago, I was somewhat in awe and afraid of him, considered myself small and insignificant in comparison. I still see him as someone who is an extraordinary and beautiful being with so very much to ignite; but somehow I’m not quite so timid in his presence. It was really really delightful to actually dance with him – something I didn’t dare do in the past. I’m not sure if this is due to my increased confidence or that he is more available to us/me. I was aware that he was communicating energetically a lot. The channels seemed so open.

Jill, I still can't get to your blog! I miss reading your entries.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

It's growing!

I've changed the name at Friendly House from "Nia" to "The Gentle Way to Fitness". Wow. That's a big step.

Today we focused on (among other things)how to take GWF into our lives - showing how we can walk down the street with awareness and do specific things to honor our bodies. The mats weren't available for the floor work, so we did some things in chairs. Whatever we did in class can be taken into our daily living. At the end of class, I asked the students what specific thing they might continue. Several of them liked the idea of walking with their palms facing front - which opens the chest and helps avoid dowager's hump. Others liked the idea of looking out with soft eyes instead of looking at the ground. They were all interested in continuing the chair movements to break up their computer time. The movements taken from "Brain Gym" - an excellent little book will also be quite useful. Oh yes, we spent some time exploring various ways to do turns.

Steve took the class. He tells me that he falls in love with me all over again when he takes one of my classes. Guess I'd best continue.

I'm going to Inda for Nia-India in January to celebrate my 77th birthday!! Whatever it takes, I'm going to do this.

Breathing health. Breathing Joy. Breathing service.


Monday, September 7, 2009

First taping

Friday evening we went over to the cable station. We were there from 4:45 to about 9:45 taping two half hour shows - one for The Gentle Way to Fitness and one for Areanne channeling for two people - me and Valerie.

Everything seemed to go quite well. I'll know better when I see the final result.

It was fun to treat myself like a star. I went over to New Season's at 3PM and had my face "done" by Renee. She did a beautiful job - really brought out my eyes. Of course we didn't even try to hide the wrinkles and gray hair. After all, the whole idea is that an elder can still move around like a younger.


Today I watched a couple of clips of Nia on some of my friends' blogs. The people dancing so beautifully were all young - no one looked older than 40 tops - in great shape - mostly women. This is typical of the advertisements for fitness programs. It is disappointing to me that Nia, which claims to be for everyone, is shown in such a limited fashion. I love Nia. I love doing it. I promote it a lot. I send people to the website. I WISH there were more people like myself, older with a less than perfect body, being shown.

Jeremy, my music producer, came up with a GREAT idea. Have a camera follow me as I take The Gentle Way of Movement into my daily life.

I still don't have a videographer/editor here in Portland, OR to work with me on the DVD. HOWEVER, I'm told that after the proper amount of time, I can use the footage from the cable company. That would be awesome!!

I also still don't have any funding for this project. I'm not in the head/heart space to find out how to write a grant or get a promoter. There have been a few seeds planted, but they are not being watered at the moment. Right now the major thing seems to be to develop the actual program. The 15 minute "taste" I presented is an excellent beginning. I awoke Saturday morning realizing what I had done. I love the way SuperConscious realm works with us. I may be more specific another time.

Yesterday we went out to RiverSong near Hood River. The 90 acre sacred land is up for sale. That's an whole other journey!

Life is so speedy these days. At times it's a bit exhausting.

Final bit of personal news..oh yes, this blog is totally a personal great insights, lectures or art...just me being me for any of you who find that remotely interesting, amusing or identifying with...and again, if noone but this one (i.e. me) reads this blog, it's enough!

SO - I'm determined to go to India for the Nia at Auroville in January. What a way to celebrate my 77th birthday. I'll be calling Danielle tomorrow specifically because Sabine and Phillipe have advised me to do that when they are with her. Do I have the money in the bank to do this? No. Am I determined to let nothing stand in the way of this intention? Yes. I don't know why I want to do this. I'm letting go of any expectations about it. I just know I will be in India on my birthday - January 13th!! Omigod!


Monday, August 31, 2009


All of a sudden I can't get to other people's blogs. A while ago I was able to click on the person's name when she left a comment and I'd get to her blog(s). Now I'm told it's not available. So how do I become a follower?

It used to be we'd visit, write a letter or call on a telephone to communicate. Now we have Facebook, YouTube, Twitter etc. etc. etc. Oh sure, we can still use the old fashioned ways - I guess.

I'm really aware of when the ego is running the show, opening and closing the curtain.

So today we (Valerie and I) had a meeting with my producer, Areanne. I've written the script for the interview Steve will be conducting to introduce me and The Gentle Way to Fitness. Then I will be demonstrating a bit of it.

Is it Nia? Yes. Is it yoga? Yes. Is it dance? Yes. Is it theater? Yes. Is it qigong? Yes. It's all of these and more and none of these. It's energy manifesting as matter.

So here's the interview:

Steve introduces himself, me and the Subject:The Gentle Way to Fitness©

S: What is it?
The Gentle Way to Fitness© is a journey of the body from loving where you are to getting to where you want to be and loving that. We use movement and music.

S: Is it dance?
In that life is dance – yes. In that the purpose is to perform – no. The purpose of
The Gentle Way to Fitness© is very individual, very personal.

S: Is it exercise?

You could call it that. I hesitate to call it that, because the word “exercise” brings to mind jumping jacks and lifting weights. The Gentle Way to Fitness© focuses on movement that is natural, that could be part of life.

S: Well, I guess the best way to find out about The Gentle Way to Fitness© is to do it.
Yes, it’s like the difference between reading the menu and eating the food.

S: Is The Gentle Way to Fitness© for everyone?

It could be, but I must admit that it started out to be particularly designed to meet the needs of an older population as well as people who have some physical concerns such as obesity and/or other conditions that require a careful use of their bodies.

I understand you teach classes in The Gentle Way to Fitness© and that you are in the process of creating a DVD. How did it come about?

My students asked me to provide a DVD for them that they could watch and work with at home. I recommended some existing DVD’s which they purchased. Although they enjoyed them, they felt that the DVD’s were somewhat challenging for them and requested that I make one that was similar to the classes I teach.

S: What is the philosophy you bring to your classes and that you would bring to a DVD?
In all my teaching, I wish to impart the love and respect for the truly miraculous beings we are – matter created from energy; and that matter is complex, efficient, and absolutely beautiful. We have the capacity to create and recreate our bodies, even our destinies, through our thoughts leading to action. My desire is that I and my students take the miracles we discover in class into every aspect of our lives.

S: What background and training do you bring to this program?

I have always loved to move. As a child and teenager I was heavily involved in sports and took dance lessons and music lessons. In college, I studied dance with one of the original members of the Martha Graham Dance Company. I went on to study many forms of dance and soon found myself teaching, performing and doing choreography. One evening, I was riding to a rehearsal on the back of a motorcycle. We got hit by a car and the tendons and ligaments of my left knee and below were torn. It took a couple of years to heal well enough to walk normally and many more before I could dance almost as easily as I had before the accident. I took up Yoga and once again, found myself teaching it. It seems that whatever I study, I teach. Somehow, whenever I learn something, I can hardly wait to share whatever it is. Nineteen years ago I discovered Nia, a magnificent form of fusion fitness embodying elements from dance arts, martial arts and healing arts. I took all the Nia Trainings including White, Blue, Brown and Black Belts and the 5 Stages of Development. I have been teaching Nia to a wide variety of students for over seven years.

S: Anything else you can think of that is part of The Gentle Way to Fitness©?
Philosophically, I have studied and participated in a variety of spiritual and ethical teachings which I am certain influence my approach. I’ve explored the work of Moshe Feldenkrais and the Alexander Technique. I’ve been practicing qi gong, a Chinese practice that works with energy.

S: Sounds like you have a lot of ingredients in this soup! I won’t even ask you to define all of them!
We can do that another time. Before I forget, I want to say that one of the major trainings of my life is KelmanWorks.

S: What’s that?
In 1980 I met Scott Kelman who was in the process of teaching theater exercises based on mindfulness and body awareness. I studied and performed with Scott in Los Angeles while I lived there and when he moved to Portland, I studied with him here. Scott has passed on and Melanya Helene, a gifted teacher, is continuing the work and adding her own technique. I am also a trained and experienced actress. I’m sure my acting career is helpful in teaching fitness.

S: Please elaborate on how your acting career has contributed to your teaching.
Have you got about an hour? I think it would serve everyone to have acting training. I think of acting training as life training. It includes sharpening your senses, body awareness, empathy, learning how to communicate authentically, being willing to let it all hang out, being willing to take risks, learning to really listen to yourself and others. And of course there are the simple skills one learns – how to project, how to enunciate clearly, how to modulate your voice. We learn how to witness. There’s that space that watches. I’ve been in lots of situations – especially on tour – where I’ve had to adapt and adjust. That ability has held me in good stead as a teacher.

S: In all this background and experience, what would you say is the most important aspect you bring to teaching fitness?
The most important aspect I bring to teaching fitness, especially The Gentle Way to Fitness©, is that I absolutely love what I do.

S: Where is all this taking you? What’s in your future?
I will teach classes and give workshops whenever, wherever and for as long as I’m able and as long as I love doing so. The plan is for me to give a series of classes on this cable station. I’m pretty excited about that. I’m committed to creating at least one DVD. That has been an amazing journey so far. I’m looking for someone to appear who will help me fund it, write a grant, find a sponsor – something.

S: I have a feeling that may happen. Do you mind telling us how old you are?
Well, I’ll tell you that I am the oldest certified Nia teacher and that I was born in January of 1933. You can do the math.

S: You seem pretty healthy. To what do you attribute your fitness?

Well, if I’m going to teach The Gentle Way to Fitness©, I’d best model it. The basic ingredient, as I said at the beginning of this interview, is to bring love, respect and gratitude to everything I think, say and do. I’m not always successful in following my own instructions, but the intention is there and as it is said, “When the intention is clear, the means will appear.”

S: Speaking of modeling, would you like to give us a taste of your classes on cable and ultimately on the DVD?
I’d be glad to. So this is just a taste, not the whole meal.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Up and Down Down Down

Yesterday Steve and I had a "discussion." I won't go into detail 'cause that's not what it is/was about. I'm not even sure WHAT it was about. What I know is that I went into a real tailspin. One of the things I did was to get into the car and drive to an ice-cream parlor, purchase and eat a sundae. Then I went to Powell's and bought a book and a bag of jelly beans, which I consumed. Why am I sharing this information? What occurred as a result of the blast of sugar was that I was awakened during a subsequent troubled sleep with leg cramps - both calves. Triple ouch. So I said in my drama queen way, "Hey God, I asked you to get me out of this vale of tears, off the planet, not beat up on me." Anyhow, I'm still here, again and once again determined to avoid refined sugar!

I'm past the bout of depression/despair. Steve and I are still together.

One of the things that came up and what I want to share in this blog about The Gentle Way to Fitness is that I've decided to take the pressure off myself; be less ambitious. So maybe there will ultimately be a DVD and maybe there won't. Right now I'm only committed to the cable TV show.

I subbed for a Nia class and meditation class again (same one as last week). Both classes increased and the feedback was very positive. I did a chakra meditation - guided the class to investigate the chakras themselves rather than feeding them information about color, sound, etc.

Last week I did Agolo. This week we began with the 7 minute workout (5 Stages for 5 minutes, up and down for 1 minute, laughing for 1 minute). It was a great way to get into a semi-spontaneous routine.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


It is said - somewhere - that we are here for a purpose. We do not necessarily know what that purpose is. It may be something as small as the smile we flashed at someone and that someone thought better of his or her plan to end it all, or it may be something as dramatic as discovering the cure for cancer. Whatever it is, once we have fulfilled our purpose, it's time for the spirit to move on and the body is disposed of by what we erroneously label as "death."

Last night while I was doing Tarot readings, I sat across from a young man who asked me if I believed in past lives, i.e. reincarnation. His shoulders were held forward and up in a vain attempt to protect his neck. He told me that he couldn't bear to have anyone touch his neck and that he believed that the cause of his fear had to do with a past life in which he'd been hung, strangled or beheaded.

I assured him that one of the movies of another of his many lives may well have had such a scenario, and I told him that it would not happen again. We looked at some cards and talked a bit more. When I'd completed the five-minute reading, my left arm reached across the table and the fingers of my left hand gently touched the right side of his neck. His eyes widened, his shoulders relaxed and he said, "I didn't flinch! That was fine!"

I had no idea that I was going to touch him. It was totally spontaneous. All I felt was agape, and so did he.

Whether this moment will be permanent, i.e. whether or not he is no longer afraid to have his neck touched, I don't know. I do know there was a moment of healing, a moment of connection, a moment of peace.

And that is enough.

I'm still here. I awoke this morning to discover I haven't completed the contract. If and when I do, I'm ready.

By the way, Jill, I am NOT making a Nia DVD. Only Debbie, Carlos and Jeff can do that. None of us can make a Nia DVD and sell it. We can, however, promote Nia on YouTube etc. In fact we are urged to do so.

I AM in the process - on the journey - to make a DVD. It will be a DVD of THE GENTLE WAY TO FITNESS.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ups and Downs

Busy day today. My friend Cynthia and I met to coordinate our gig tomorrow night. We are both reading Tarot cards for a fundraiser. We did a three card spread for each other. First card: Special Gift - Second card: Challenge - Third card: the Next Step.

The reading for me: My gift as the three of cups - creativity, flow, love and joy. My signature is, after all, Resonant Dog. Challenge - Two of Swords. Ah yes, my own self-judgment and/or lack of confidence. The next step - the nine of cups: Just do it - fill it up!

Getting ready for the taping on September 4th. I can do this. I WILL do this. I spoke to Jeff and he suggested I write an email to him and Debbie. He wanted me to do a Nia class for cable! I will be bringing Nia in and supporting it, with their permission of course, but this will be what I have to offer, The Gentle Way to Fitness. Am I scared? Oh yes. But I HAVE to do this. Years ago, a drama teacher, who chose her students, asked me why I wanted to be an actress. I answered that I had no choice. She accepted me as her student. Creating The Gentle Way to Fitness feels same way. I seem to have no choice. I'm in the river.

It is suggested to me that I put it out on Craig's list to find a fundraiser. Good idea.

I now have business cards. They arrived today. The website is in progress. And of course I have this blog.

Received the following in my email box.

A 92-year-old, petite, well-poised and proud man, who is fully dressed each morning by eight o'clock, with his hair fashionably combed and shaved perfectly, even though he is legally blind, moved to a nursing home today. His wife of 70 years recently passed away, making the move necessary. After many hours of waiting patiently in the lobby of the nursing home, he smiled sweetly when told his room was ready.

As he maneuvered his walker to the elevator, I provided a visual description of his tiny room, including the eyelet sheets that had been hung on his window. I love it,' he stated with the enthusiasm of an eight-year-old having just been presented with a new puppy. Mr. Jones, you haven't seen the room; just wait.' 'That doesn't have anything to do with it,' he replied. Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. Whether I like my room or not doesn't depend on how the furniture is arranged ... it's how I arrange my mind. I already decided to love it. 'It's a decision I make every morning when I wake up. I have a choice; I can spend the day in bed recounting the difficulty I have with the parts of my body that no longer work, or get out of bed and be thankful for the ones that do. Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open, I'll focus on the new day and all the happy memories I've stored away.. Just for this time in my life. Old age is like a bank account. You withdraw from what you've put in. So, my advice to you would be to deposit a lot of happiness in the bank account of memories! Thank you for your part in filling my Memory Bank. I am still depositing. 'Remember the five simple rules to be happy:
1. Free your heart from hatred.
2. Free your mind from worries.
3. Live simply.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Business Cards and Other Business

I don't have a web page yet. That should happen soon. In the meantime, with Val Rossi (GWF's Executive Assistant) we designed business cards and will order them from Vista Print - just to get started.

The overnight at Eagle View Bed and Breakfast was everything we wanted it to be. Even though the in-the-bathroom jets didn't work in the tub, the outside jacuzzi made up for it. I was there alone under the stars. The breakfast was vegetarian and lovely - very yin, but so what? We meandered up the coast under clear, sunny skies and actually snoozed on the Pacific City Beach.

I'm subbing for a Nia class tonight. Reviewing Agolo. Haven't taught that one in quite a while. As much as I enjoy mixing it up and creating on the spot, I really really see the value in using the Nia routines the way Debbie and Carlos have designed them. They are both so skillful in the way they speak to the body.

I talked to the new head of the studio, Maria. She was put there from a different position in the office. The dance goes on.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

It's happening!

Just opened a new gmail account. Monday I'll start putting together a website (with assistance of course). Business cards to be created. Don't have the perfect logo yet, but it will manifest.

Pretty soon, I'll be on Cable Access TV.

Steve and I are running away together for an overnight at a sweet bed and breakfast on the Oregon Coast. No computer - no phone. Just trees, water, birds and sun, yes!!

Life is good.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Gentle Way of Movement Class - Seniors

Today I taught six women. For these very small classes, I am able to check in with each student to see where her energy etc. is and what her intention for today is. The intentions that showed up were: increased flexibility, balance, attention to the shoulder girdle, general energy and decreased mind chatter. We had one new student. Her intention was to see what this class is about and if she would want to continue. Personally, I felt quite balanced and in good energy - no pain or discomfort anywhere. My personal intention was to find new ways to move. All the intentions were met. The new student is very enthusiastic about what we are doing and plans to continue.

The focus of today's class was Touch. I used the word in its broadest sense - actually the kinesthetic aspect. This was a beautiful focus. Very healing. Outer touch. Inner touch. The touch of breath. The touch of sound.

The music combination worked very well. I kept the "steps" simple. The free dance section was lovely.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Station

"Tucked away in our subconscious is an idyllic vision. We see ourselves on a long trip that spans the continent. We are traveling by train.

Out the window we think of the passing scene of cars on nearby highways, of children waving at a crossing of cattle grazing on a distant hillside, of smoke pouring from a power plant, of rows upon rows of corn and wheat, of flatlands and valleys, of mountains and rolling hillsides, of city skylines and village halls.

But uppermost in our minds is the final destination. On a certain day on a certain hour we will pull into the station. Bands will be playing and flags waving. Once we get there so many wonderful dreams will come true and the pieces of our lives will fit together like a completed jigsaw puzzle. How restlessly we pace the aisles, damning the minutes for loitering-waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting for the station.
When we reach the station that will be it!!! We cry.
When I am 21! When I buy a new BMW! When I put the last kid through college!
When I pay off the mortgage! When I get a promotion! When I reach the age of retirement! I shall live happily ever after!

Sooner or later we must realize there is no station, no one place to arrive for once and for all. The true joy of life is the trip. The station is only a dream. It constantly outdistances us.
Relish the moment is a good motto, especially when coupled with Psalm 118:24. This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

It isn’t the burdens of today that drive men mad. It is the regret of yesterday and the fear of tomorrow. Regret and fear are twin thieves that rob us of today. So, stop pacing the aisles and counting the miles. Instead, climb more mountains, eat more ice creams, go barefoot more often, swim more rivers, watch more sunsets, laugh more, cry less.

Life must be lived as we go along. The station will come soon enough." -unknown

Monday, August 10, 2009

Home Again

I call Portland, Oregon my home. It's only a temporary place on my true journey to home. My true home is that vast place of no where, no thing.

Catching up on emails and Facebook. A bit underwhelming.

The weather today is delicious. Heat wave has passed and in its wake the sun has become gentle. The air is sweet. It beckons me to dance under the few fleecy clouds.

I will be teaching classes in Nia and Yoga as a "substitute" a few times this month. Interesting word - substitute.

Took a Nia class with Liz Ganz yesterday. Her focus was: smile! It was a marvelous entry into Joy. Liz is a tall, willowy, wand of grace and love. I am in gratitude for being able to attend any class she teaches.

Much to do.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

New Mexico

We've been here a week - and what a week it's been. Today is Blue Lunar Eagle. It couldn't be more dualistic (lunar vibration). Much magic. Much manifestation of the impossible becoming possible. AND suffering with Steve. We were in ER for more hours than I can remember - or want to. It's the gout. We weren't sure if it was something else. This attack is a little different. I won't go into the gory - or gouty - details. So he sleeps and sleeps and sleeps. He is doing that in response to the medication given now. Yesterday and the day before, he was doing it in response to his body's own wisdom; but it was a bit scary, so we took him to ER. It was good that we did so, even though we had to wait for about four hours before he was taken to a room. Yes, ER is a busy busy place in Albuquerque, NM. The trip has been much more than what i'm writing about here. Much much more. The Tesla Tech conference was magnificent. i personally made a couple of contacts that might manifest into some VERY useful and exciting pathways.
Even though I brought my Nia togs, I won't be taking any classes. I have been, however, working on my script for video classes and the DVD. Inch by inch - in its own time and its own way. As usual, I read some books while here. My daughter, Helen, is a school librarian. We share the love of books and she has even more of them than Steve and I have. And of course they are all catagorized and arranged.

So, what I want to blog about is this whole illness, wellness, age, life, death mystery. WHY WHY WHY is my husband, a dear, kind, brilliant man, beset with all these dis eases? And WHY WHY WHY did I attract this into my life? We are both following the path to enlightenment (whatever the h_ _ _ that is) to the best of our ability to surrender, to act and to know when to do each. I'm told "why" is a crooked letter and to seek an answer is a dead end, a waste of time.

1. Be impeccable
2. Don't take anything personally
3. Assume nothing
4. Do your best

Plans are made. Plans change. Action. Interaction. Within. Without.

In this moment my stomach is happy. The house is quiet. The two lovely cats are asleep. Steve is asleep. Helen is working (at school). Her male companion, Lester is around and about somewhere doing something. I am writing, listening to my husband's gentle breathing nearby, listening to the air current - it's a slightly different air conditioning system. Steve just woke and asked me if Michelle (Obama) got her household situation worked out. He was dreaming. He said, "I was multi-tasking in my dream." He lapsed into sleep immediately after that information. I 'spose he'll return to his dream or to another.

Am I dreaming? Of course.

Nia is now officially a noun. I, however, am a verb - always moving, always changing. Alive alive oh.

I wander. I wonder as I wander.

Time to check on the rest.


Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Day Out of Time

High energy for healing.
I attended Nia this morning - first time in a LONG time. Debbie taught. We didn't greet one another. I made it up that I am nothing and no one to her. Doesn't matter if that's true or not. What matters is that I don't NEED to be anything to anyone but myself and God - and I'm not really so sure about God.

After class I went downstairs to buy calendars. Jeff was there and we had a healing. I am copying the email I sent to Debbie and the one I sent to Jeff on this blog.

Hi Debbie:
Excellent class this morning. I particularly enjoyed the way you alternated the build up of energy - heart rate etc.and then slowed down to allow for recovery and integration - beautiful spiral up. I didn't stay for the whole class, so I didn't have a chance to experience the spiral down and to thank you personally.

It's good to see you. It's been awhile.

Floppy elbows all day

...note: I make it a point to personally thank the teacher of any class I take, and if it's appropriate to be specific about my gratitude.

The title of the following is Synchronicity:
Hi Jeff:
If I hadn't dragged myself down to the studio today especially to buy calendars --
If there had been some in the studio --
If Julia and I hadn't left at the same time so I could ask her if I could purchase same from the office --
If you hadn't been there --
If I hadn't interrupted you to say hi and hug --
We wouldn't have had the wonderful conversation and tears to clear.
I am at peace now that I understand that it wasn't that you didn't value my work, but that it makes sense to have this kind of work done in-house. I totally agree!

Ever onward and upward in consciousness!



Thursday, July 23, 2009


Today is my recovery day. Tuesdays and Wednesdays seem to be somewhat demanding between teaching and traveling. So I've designated Thursdays as recovery. Thursday nights I have regular guided meditation/activation sessions at the Crystal Temple. I can choose to go there or not. It isn't obligatory as are my teaching gigs - which I love dearly, but they are definitely a responsibility.

Tuesday afternoon: Had a great meeting with Val, the executive assistant of GWF. Lots of progress which I won't go into now.

Also, an excellent conversation with Jeremy this morning to clarify our positions. He IS the music director. His only concern was that I might be waiting until he had completed the entire CD before moving ahead. I assured him that this is not and never was the situation.

Goal: I'm intending to bring a video camera into my world. It is interesting to see how this will happen. If anyone reading this blog has a camera he/she is willing to give or loan for this project, please please let me know. Even more exciting would be someone who lives in this area who would enjoy being the videographer for my classes now and possibly more involvement later.

Seek and ye shall find. Ask and ye shall receive.

So who's this "ye"???

Off to play in the sun.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Continuing on the Bumpy Road and "Wit"

First of all, I want to write about the movie "Wit" with Emma Thompson. It's about a college professor who is being treated for Ovarian Cancer - not a comedy to be sure. It was so very real - brings you into the hospital and doctors and nurses and their machines. Steve and I were mesmerized watching it. Ms Thompson, as to be expected, was absolutely brilliant.

Concerning the DVD/CD. I subbed for a Nia class this morning - Opal. I stayed with Nia almost entirely. I did play the "name game" and "free form" - techniques developed from KelmanWorks. The beauty of Nia is that it has room for expansion. The students, especially those new to Nia, expressed appreciation for my approach - which is more and more coming from the gentle way to fitness.

It's just too too hot today. No word from Portland Media. I'll call or email again on Monday. In the meantime, it has been suggested that I contact Tualatin Valley Cable Station. I think it would be awesome to have a GWF (Gentle Way to Fitness) class on cable as a precursor to the DVD. I did purchase a domain name - not ready for a website - everything in its time.

I had a rather unpleasant experience mid-afternoon. It was as if I was totally depleted of energy. I've been really stressed about Steve's attack of gout. I don't want to be a caretaker - pure and simple. Anyhow, I'm pretty much recovered. Breathe. Breathe. (Funny, that was the focus for the class this morning - just remembered!)

Well, today was the final day for the new Black Belters! Yay for them. Yay for Carlos who guides them. Yay for the spirit of Nia.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bumps Along the Road

The creator of music for the CD and DVD informed me yesterday that the project is not his first priority. His first priority is "#1" which is himself and his wife. Once again, the lack of funds is an issue. He isn't removing himself from the project; he's putting off creating more music until he has the time and inspiration. I'm not sure what to do about that. I can work with what we have so far - which is what I have been doing. I can find music elsewhere for the remainder of the DVD/CD. I'll hold off on that recourse for awhile.

The conversation brought me to realize.

Whether we admit it or not, our first priority is the self, not the Self. I delude myself when I think I am dedicating my life to service. It's about survival, the ego and the gratification of ego.
Everyone has different levels of enthusiasm about an idea.
"Expectations will get ya every time." - Steve Kaplan

So the question is: How much do I want to do this? How really dedicated/focused am I on it? Is it simply a good idea or is it a passion? Can I avoid distraction? This is a lifelong issue for me. I read about artists who are totally dedicated to their art. They achieve great things, but are they happy? Maybe it isn't black or white - another of my tendencies is to perceive things as all one way or another.

Honesty - Passion - Dedication - Satisfaction

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Following the Path of Intention

Sometimes it's delicious to do something alone. Yesterday I went to a street fair alone. Steve was out of town and I didn't ask anyone else to accompany me. I wandered from booth to booth - had long conversations with some of the booth owners and no conversation with most of them. I bought lemonade and a bread, cheese and olive thing. I took a few bites of the bread, cheese and olive thing and threw most of it away - something I almost NEVER do! I danced to a band. And THEN, I discovered why I had come to the fair. There was a booth about media. I made a GREAT connection to further the DVD/CD project. I'll write more about that when it evolves.

I left the fair and returned to my car. As I slowly walked the several blocks back to my car, I drank in the beauty of the trees, flowers, people and houses. I saw a most extraordinary house. It was large and painted purple. It was a magical house. I just HAD to go up the steps and walk all around it. It seemed that no one was home. After circling the house, I sat on the steps for awhile.

Connecting, merging, parting, imbibing, expressing, alive in silence and sound, separately being all one.

I will read this entry in the future and relive those hours. If another reads this entry, he or she will recall his or her own magical mystery tour - or not. I must learn and remember that it's not my responsibility to create another's experience. I'm NOT everyone's mommy - even to the children that came out of my body. My son will have lived 47 years tomorrow. Egads and little fishes! Wasn't it just yesterday that he was an infant at my breast??

Friday, July 10, 2009

Queen Nefertiti

Her name means "beautiful." She was/is, indeed, beautiful in body, mind and spirit. She and her consort king worshiped the sun. They were monotheistic Egyptians. The mystery is of her death. Unlike other monarchs of the time, she was not mummified. She reveals to me that she did not die in the way we understand. She lives in me and in all the women who are imbued with the spirit of beauty as we walk and dance upon the earth.

"Like a tapestry in three dimensions, the patterns of our lives weave in and out, among and between the threads of our awareness, softly hinting that within each thread lies a galaxy of others." - Gill Edwards

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Yoga and Mothers

I took myself to a yoga class this morning.

The class was taught by a dear friend of mine. Her technique, demonstration and explanation of the various pranayama, asanas and vinyasanas was impeccable. What was missing for me was any resting and going within to integrate what we were doing as we were doing it. I also did not hear any reminder of what benefits might be available. Fortunately, she didn't ask me for feedback! The whole session felt mechanical and demanding on my body. Of course it is my responsibility to fill in the gaps and take care of my personal needs. And it's always a good lesson to me as a teacher to see what others are doing, not in a negative, judgmental way - as I am prone to do - but in a way to benefit from what they do that "works".


Woke up thinking about Thelma Axelrod who left the planet 14 years ago. She was 82 years old. Thelma was my "mom". I put that in quotes because she didn't birth me. The woman who birthed me, Helen Rappaport, died at age 27. I was 7. I hardly lived with her even during the first 7 years of my life. She was not able to take care of me (cancer). I lived with various relatives and others until age 6 1/2 when I was sent to live with my father's sister, Thelma, her husband and 18 month old child, Harriet. It was decided - my mother's wishes I was told - that I remain with that family. My father, Thelma's brother, was hospitalized with TB and couldn't take care of me.

At age 9 I asked Thelma if I could call her "mommy." She said I could. Uncle Moe became Daddy Axelrod. Harriet became my sister and the new baby, Richie, became my brother. I thought of Helen in heaven as my real mother.

Today I was thinking about that. Thelma Axelrod, you were my real mother. You did everything and then some that a real mother should do. You clothed me beautifully, you fed me healthy foods, you taught me right from wrong, you took me to doctors to help me overcome a severe sinus condition - when I came to you, I was a skinny, sickly, scared child. You gave me art lessons, piano lessons, dance lessons, sent me to the best summer camps - on and on and on. Yes, you were demanding, sometimes insensitive, didn't hug me or tell me you loved me (unless you did and I don't remember).

I didn't do a lot of the things you advised me to do. I especially didn’t follow the advice that it's just as easy to fall in love with a rich man as a poor man. I'm glad I didn't follow that advice. However, I did and do follow a lot of the advice you gave me. One of the things you said, and this is what I woke up thinking about, is: "It's important to grow old gracefully."

Yes, my dear REAL mother (I wish you could hear me finally say this), I believe I have and continue to "grow old gracefully." This is beyond avoiding wearing puffed sleeves and overly bright lipstick. Growing old gracefully to me now means acknowledging the wisdom of aging as well as the few limitations - like puffed sleeves. I allow myself to FEEL graceful, to walk and talk with grace, to breathe grace.

I miss you Thelma Axelrod. You were one classy lady. I'm so sorry for all the times I complained about you and for not acknowledging you as my real mother. Helen birthed me. She was a beautiful and talented woman. She was also my mother. Hey, I got to have TWO mommies - the perfect one in heaven and the perfect one on earth.

Monday, July 6, 2009

The First Transmission

Perhaps the major key to the Gentle Way to Fitness, as well as to life, is mindfulness. Bringing awareness, attention, i.e. mindfulness to anything, an activity, a thought, an emotion allows for choice to accept, grow, transform and/or becoming enlightened - a being of Light. Mindfulness is power. Without it, we are at the mercy of whatever breeze of energy happens to waft by.

Mindfulness: Full awareness of the body - its breath, its beat, its blocks, its sensations

Mindfulness: Full awareness of thought - its perceptions, stories, judgments, opinions, habitual patterns, its ideas, its emptiness

Mindfulness: Full awareness of emotion - watching the kaleidescope of anger, joy, sadness, euphoria, irritation, stimulation, passion and more as they pass through, some grasping our hearts, others forgotten before they are remembered

Mindfulness: Full awareness of a vibration unnameable. We call it spirit.

Turn on. Tune up. Listen to the signals from outside and inside. Go.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Continuing and Reporting

Continuing on the subject of resentment and other conditions: It's not my experience that I can excise them surgically (metaphorically of course). What works for me is to see the neural path when it's triggered and observe it as energy. If I don't give it attention by either attaching to it or denying its existence, it can play itself out. This seems to be in direct opposition with what I wrote in my last blog when I described resentment in a clearly judgmentally negative way as something I wouldn't want in my field. It fascinates me to observe the multitude that lives in the skin called Kaycheri!

As I write this, I am listening via headphones to something from the Morry Method. It's the CD entitled "Neural Synergy Isochronic 1."

I got a call to sub for two yoga classes this afternoon.

It's such a blessing to be paid for doing what I love.

And yesterday's Independence Day barbeque at the home of Jeremy and Marianna. They have done SO much to beautify the yards of their home. Marianna is a landscape specialist and it really shows. It was such a joyous experience in so many ways. Besides everything else, I spent a few minutes with Jeremy listening to the second track of The Gentle Way to Fitness - exploring the different rhythms and subtleties in it. I'm expanding my interest and understanding of music SO much. Thank you Carlos for your guidance during the Nia Belts.

My hearing is less acute than it was years ago. I am thankful that I am able to hear as much as I do. Years ago I taught at the New Jersey School for the Deaf. The children in my class were so lovable.

More later. May all who read this and all who don't be blessed.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Inter Inde pendence Day

Awake... Awake to... Awake to Who... Awake to Who You... Awake to Who You Really... Awake to Who You Really Are

To answer the questions on the comments made by Jill (last blog):

For more information about the Crystal Temple, go to

No, Liz was not at Thursday's meditation. I don't know if she is involved with the activities at the Temple. I haven't seen her at the three events I've gone to.

Regarding The Gentle Way to Fitness DVD: It's in the Creeping Stage - barely out of Embryonic. I will be keeping you and everyone informed of its progress. Tuesday next I will be meeting with Val to set goals, deadlines and methods to bring the vision to manifestation in the third dimension. I've been tweaking the description. Here's the latest one appearing on the flier for a new class:

The Gentle Way to Fitness is a guided journey to becoming the best of ourselves. We use natural, expressive movement to music designed to create optimal wellness. People leave class feeling relaxed, energized and happy! The Gentle Way to Fitness is for everybody – no restrictions.

- - - - - - - - - - -
Today, July 4th:

What's up for me in this moment is about relationships. Steve and I are experiencing our 25th July 4th. On our first July 4th we were enroute to Oregon from Massachusetts. We traveled by car. Steve's fifteen-year-old son Jeremy was with us. Steve and Jeremy are two of my favorite people! The relationship with Steve has traveled many highways, byways, rivers and skyways. He and I had a long talk (mostly me talking) this morning. I'm amazed that I'm still carrying resentment about something that happened in 1985. I also carry resentment about some present incidents and conditions. I desire to cast off the burden of resentment. I INTEND to cast off the burden of resentment. It is this heavy, ugly, creepy, clingy, in-the- way THING. It weighs hundreds of pounds, weighs me DOWN! Sometimes it pops out in whining, yelling, nagging voice. It sucks out my joy. Get Thee gone!

When the intention is clear, the means will appear.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Meditation at the Crystal Temple

So hot today! As soon as I finish this and check out Jill's latest entry, I'm going to swim in our little pool.

Last night I went to the Crystal Temple for a group meditation. I experienced many things including a busy mind. I experienced an infusion of powerful warrior energy. It started with my hands becoming quite hot. Sound is becoming even more vital to my development. The sounds that were played during this particular meditation seemed to drive into every cell of my body, nourishing, healing, activating. I was surprised to note that my bones called for strengthening. We were told that we could ask the particular entity being called forth to grant our wishes. My prayer/wish is to be guided and supported on the path that would be most beneficial to all - including myself of course.

I am experiencing profound gratitude. My life is so very blessed in so many ways. It was wonderful to be in the company of the people at the Temple last night. Aurelius was there - a pleasant surprise.

As I write this, I feel so full of love. My Mayan signature is White Resonant Dog.

I worked on the flier for the class I will be teaching at Crystal Temple starting next Wednesday. It's becoming quite beautiful.

Words to be spoken under the music of the second track on THE GENTLE WAY TO FITNESS DVD and CD: "Awake. Awake. Awake to. Awake to your Self."

Thursday, July 2, 2009


I notice I'm not receiving any comments on my most recent entries. Ah well, perhaps this blog is serving as a journal for me to read with wonder a year or so from now. I have shelves of journals I've written in over many many years. It's a delightful surprise when I pick one up and find poetry, thoughts, dreams, incidents, complaints and wonders that are written about. Sometimes I think, "Wow, this might be something someone else would enjoy or learn from." So now we have blogs, and anyone who so desires can share our thoughts, dreams etc. (see above). I am enjoying the process of writing and editing my own writing. I enjoy things that are well written, grammatically correct, well spelled, filled with images that spark my imagination and take me on a journey. When I read something that is poorly edited, I find myself slightly (and sometimes not so slightly) offended. This gets in the way of receiving information that could be valuable, so I tell myself to "get off it!"

Okay, this isn't what I meant to write about today. What I want to share (even if it's only with myself) is about Art.

Early this morning:
I awoke at about 5AM. The room was filled with a soft morning light. I stretched my arm up towards the ceiling and was struck by the shape of the arm, hand and fingers silhouetted against the white of the ceiling. I moved the arm, hand and fingers to moment-to-moment create new shapes. Wonder. My thought was, "This is Art. This is all that is necessary for me to be happy." And so it is. And so it was. And so it will be.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Well, my daughter is safely back home - Albuquerque, NM. It was a wonderful visit. I took her to the airport Monday afternoon. We went to the Rose Garden before going to the airport. The Portland, OR Rose Garden is exquisite. It is a must-see for visitors AND for residents. Sometimes I forget about having this magical garden in my backyard. Monday, while I was walking around and smelling the various blossoms, my mind kept going to memories of Rick Yorba. He died of Aids about 10 years ago. I think of him so often and with such love. We created beautiful theater together and our friendship was precious to me.

One of my students is going to undertake the job of producing the DVD. We will have a meeting next Tuesday to discuss the details and make the plan. YES!!
Thinking about the major theme/focus and the elements I want to include. These become ever more clear and full with each Nia class I teach. One class is for people over 55 years of age and the other for people over 60. At this juncture I have only women taking the class. I am learning SO much about what works and what is more challenging. I constantly check in with my students - particularly before and after the class. I ask them to define their goals for the class. Today, some of the desires included relaxation, energizing, healing a knee and more flexibility. Balance didn't happen to be mentioned. I deliberately added the jazz square to their vocabulary of movement. I like to have one or two more challenging moves in the mix in order to engage their minds and to give them a sense of accomplishment - learning something new. It's great fun to co-create and at the same time to be covering the elements of fitness. I wouldn't recommend this approach to someone who doesn't have an extensive vocabulary and experience. Fortunately we have the library of routines created by Debbie and Carlos to use.

I banked my last paycheck for editing for Nia HQ. I don't miss that part of my life. Perhaps another editing gig will appear. I'm not seeking one, but would be happy to absorb one into my world. I'm mindfully accepting moment-to-moment activities and requests.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


"Mindfulness can be thought of as a moment-to-moment, non-judgmental awareness, cultivated by paying attention in a specific way; that is, in the present moment and as non-reactively, non-judgmentally and openheartedly as possible. When it is cultivated intentionally, it is sometimes referred to as deliberate mindfulness. When it spontaneously arises, it is sometimes referred to as effortless mindfulness. Ultimately, however arrived at, mindfulness is mindfulness." - Jon Kabat-Zinn.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Soltice at Breitenbush and other news

This was the fourth year for Helen (my daughter) and me to go to the Solstice Celebration at Breitenbush Hot Springs. We did our annual skit on Saturday night - added two women - Cynthia and Meredith.

How can I describe my experiences at Breitenbush? I'll just jot down some words that come to me from my right brain:

Trees alive
Lithium mineral in the pools smoothing, soothing, uplifting, centering, flying
People exuding love
No demands

My daughter Helen is visiting from Albuquerque, NM. She is someone so very special in my life. We laugh until tears come into our eyes and our sides hurt. She corrects me more than I correct her. After all, she's a trained elementary teacher and school librarian, practicing as a school librarian.

Someone at Breitenbush said that Facebook is evil. Hmmm.

Yesterday we went to our favorite consignment shop and found treasures. I bought the most BEAUTIFUL silk jacket - reversible, a black velvet hat and several soaps and bath salts. Helen got a bunch of stuff. She will fill an extra suitcase to take back.

Today I taught my senior Nia class. I used the two tracks Jeremy created for The Gentle Way to Fitness and some drumming music. It's growing quite organically. I didn't do any FloorPlay. Somehow it was instinctual to not do that today. I'm following my instincts, my guidance in the way I'm teaching this summer - listening to my body and my students' bodies.

Life is oh so good.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Clearing Out

I've accumulated a bunch of journals, books, papers and oddities beside my bed where I have some bookshelves and floorspace. I decided to go through and discard, sell, give away or keep appropriate items. As I was wandering through the journals, I read some of the entries. I found them to be quite entertaining and occasionally enlightening.

I now have a full bag of books to take to Powell's Bookstore. I filled a large trash can with papers etc. I have a HUGE number of manuals notes, handouts, fliers, and lesson plans from my Nia studies. So far, I'm keeping them.

Looking through books: so much information, some of it contradictory - especially information about diet and nutrition. I want to be so in tune with my body that I feed it what it needs rather than what some book or person tells me!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Yes, I want to keep account here.

I taught two yoga classes. Kate called me a couple of hours before class to sub for her. The first class was for pregnant women. There were two of them. The second class was for a roomful of new, intermediate and advanced students, male, female ranging in age from teen to elderly. I am quite confident in teaching yoga - have been doing it for many years. Today I seemed stronger, more focused, more connected than ever. Something is happening! Something has loosened.

The DNA is dancing. Energy is flowing. Love.

Activating the DNA

Last night we returned to the Crystal Temple to learn more about the Mystery School and activating the DNA strands. This study and process was created 3000 years ago by King Solomon. It was kept secret until 1997. Now the secrets are being given to prepare us for the changes (2012 AD) which have been predicted.

I received an activation.

As yet, I don't notice any dramatic change - unless one considers my even stronger desire to serve, to share the Light I have been blessed to be given.

Each moment is an eternity and a nanosecond.

Time is an invention to allow us to function sequentially. Actually, everything occurs simultaneously.

These concepts give me the opportunity to take it all much less seriously.

My body is telling me it's time to feed it.


Friday, June 12, 2009

Free Form

One of the first parts of the video will be Free Form. This is a technique to get into body awareness gently and safely. It is powerful, can be done anytime and anywhere by anyone.

Basically, you close your eyes, go inside, watch your breath, communicate with your body to follow its movements and observe it as it moves.

After a bit, you consciously pause, ground by sending energy into the feet, hands and head. You may make minor adjustments to maintain balance. Then you begin to move again. You continue moving and pausing, moving and pausing. I find when I do this that the breath is key in directing the energy.

After another bit, you open your eyes, continuing the process, to expand your awareness to the outer environment while being as conscious of the inner environment.

I have been employing this technique with my students and they are finding it useful. In class we partner up, then add more and more people moving and pausing together. I may or may not have that on the video as part of the workout. It would be fun to have a section where that kind of thing could be shown (group activity etc.) Also, in class we usually start in silence and then add music, which of course has an influence.

I have been doing this myself in a classroom situation (Kelmanworks with Melanya Helene) and on my own. It's a different experience each time. It serves me as a moving meditation and a warm-up of the body.

What I love most about it in terms of having it on the DVD is that it is a Gentle Way to Fitness and anyone can do it and benefit from it!

If anyone reading this blog tries this technique and has some feedback from it, I would love to hear about it.