Sunday, June 7, 2009


I attempt to live my life in the attitude of gratitude - to see EVERYTHING, whether it's pleasant or unpleasant, whether I agree with it or not, as a gift. Generally speaking, I am successful.

So, I got hit by a truck (metaphorically speaking). The wounds are healing.

The gift of being hit by this particular truck, i.e. being cut off from from an employment situation without warning, consultation or an opportunity to adjust, is that it gave me the opportunity to create and maintain self-esteem and belief in myself and my abilities no matter what anyone else's opinion or needs may be. Further, this gives me the opportunity to continue to trust in a higher power.

Oh yes, I had much warning that this particular truck consistently runs people down. I was warned not to get in its way. I chose to play in their sandbox. Did I think I was someone special, someone who would be treated differently? Perhaps I did. Perhaps I just wanted to do what I did for as long as I could do it. I'm truly, truly glad I took on the challenge. I feel, and so did the truck that mowed me down, that I did an outstanding job while I was employed - it just wasn't exactly what they wanted. It's my opinion (and opinions are useless for anything but ego) that their desires are unrealistic. It will serve me to give that opinion up. Whoosh. Gone. Doesn't matter.

This morning I went to my KelmanWorks workshop. I am so very blessed to be a part of this work. I'll describe it another time.

Last night I did a gig for Abracadabra Inc. They hire people to entertain High School Graduates during a night-long program, usually in a sports complex. It's a great way for the kids to have a wonderful, safe and healthy time. My "job" which I've been doing for several years, is as a "Fortune Teller." I do graphology and tarot. I am so grateful for the insights and knowledge that comes pouring through me to serve.

Here's a poem a dear friend, my surrogate son Marc, wrote. It brings tears to my eyes.

"There is a legend
Of a gypsy woman,
Who conjured the moon until sunrise
Smiling as she was telling all who would listen,
Before the coming day,
Telling of their future

Of the sacrifices that will be made
For love on heaven and earth
That night the moon replied with a smile
Happily shining for this special woman...

As all who came to her were gifts from God,
Oh so many sensations, so much abundance,
Oh, the power of this love,
As this Gypsy woman made
the music of the night."

1 comment:

  1. So glad that the collision with the truck only resulted in minor cuts and bruises. Time heals does an attitude of gratitude. Delighted to know that your gratitude for whatever arises is on high beam. BTW, the truck is merely the's the drivers you have to watch out for...another reason for my keeping an arm's distance away from traveling that road.
