Thursday, June 11, 2009

Writing and Sleep

I've been writing for years. I've written plays, poetry and articles. I once had a column in a newspaper. I've done quite a bit of editing for various situations which I won't go into at this time.

I study correct spelling, punctuation, grammar and syntax as a writer, teacher and editor. I particularly enjoy editing - making sense out of the garbled writing of people who have great ideas yet lack the skill of clear sentence structure. So much of what I read, particularly on the internet, is rife with misspellings, illogical transmission of communication, poor grammar and what I call "dart board punctuation."

It seems that writing is becoming a bit of a lost art, as has conscious conversation. Communication is transforming. Someday it may be only energy transmission - perhaps the way the animal and vegetable kingdom communicate! There is a whole new language from technology - tex messages etc. It's kind of fascinating.

Sleep. I enjoy my weird sleep habits. Occasionally I get caught in the information trap, i.e. that we NEED x amount hours of sleep and we NEED to sleep at certain times. The problem is that different experts (former spurts) have different opinions which they back up with official sounding statistics and studies. When I'm clear about who and what I am, I ignore all that. Oh yes, who and what I am includes part cat.

It's time to do some heavy duty cleaning and organizing.

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