Thursday, December 23, 2010


There are a number of terms to describe a particular way of being such as: Samadhi, being in the Vortex, being in the Zone. No term can replace the experience. It’s like reading the menu. You don’t have the experience until you eat or drink the food or drink. However, speaking or reading about this state of being can be a guide post to create the desire to get there and getting there.
Here is an excerpted article by Bob Klein from a system known as Zookenisis.

The Value of Nothing

“Nothing” simply means the natural functioning of the body and mind and the natural unfolding of one’s life and growth. When our body is working perfectly, we don’t usually notice it. It is usually only when something goes wrong that we pay attention to our bodies. When we are totally immersed in what we are doing, time flies by and we barely notice our effort. Joy then takes the place of struggle and our work is effortless.

“Nothing” is what makes the feats of an accomplished athlete seem so easy. Effortlessness is as much a result of a “mechanically efficient attention” as it is of an efficient body. If your attention is bound up or trapped in any way, the body cannot work well either. Most of us have experienced that we can do something better when no one is watching us. When we are being watched, our attention is caught up in the idea of looking good.

The body contains trillions of cells, each working harmoniously with the other. Yet each cell must deal with varying local conditions— concentrations of chemicals, the condition of its immediate neighbors, its own health, its proximity to the nearest blood vessel, etc. There is a natural cycle coinciding with the breath, which allows each cell to harmonize with the whole body and yet deal with its own local conditions.

One danger is the tendency on the part of a student is to brush aside the importance of this cycle in his/her rush to “progress.” The result may be permanent damage to the body. Students may try to energize an area of the body, adding more and more chi, without giving the cells time to integrate this increased energy into the system. This attitude of “more is better” can “blow the cells away,” and tear apart the meridian system. The entire body is in a delicate balance. Increased energy in one area must be counterbalanced in other areas, and this takes time.

The mechanism which coordinates this cellular cycle is what we call “attention.” In “primitive” societies, the patterns of attention were equally influenced by the biology of the body and by the natural ecology of the surroundings. Since his own cells (his own biology) had arisen from and were part of the natural environment, these two influences on the patterns of attention meshed perfectly. In more “civilized” cultures, the influence of nature is replaced by the influence of our concepts and ideas - the thinking mind. Since ideas can be freed from any ecological considerations, the influence of the mind and body on attention does not necessarily mesh well. In fact, it usually causes great conflict. This conflict is the enemy of “nothing.”Thus “nothing” is not a state of oblivion or a lack of action. It is a very active state. The state of conflict in which attention is trapped by patterns of thinking and attitudes inhibits that action.

When students are told that they will feel nothing when they move correctly, they feel cheated.
Sometimes something inside the students will click and they will begin moving “from the gut.” Their usual awareness — the force that usually directs their actions — has stepped aside.
Their actions seem to be automatic, coming from “nowhere.” After they stop, a dumb-founded look comes upon their faces and they ask, “How did I do that?” Even in a form, when students’ postures are corrected and they feel an “emptiness” (lack of strain to hold themselves up), they don’t necessarily welcome that feeling. The lack of strain can be disturbing. Yet it is the basis of true balance, or “Nothing.”

It is what is left after all the nonsense is gone. It is filled with wisdom, inner knowledge and great skill. It is the intelligence of each cell of the body, with all its genetic memories, uniting without conflict and without hesitation. Once you tap that infinite reservoir of knowledge, your own body becomes your teacher. You realize that your instructor was not really your master, but only a guide to bring you to the real master. “Nothing” has become the basis for your training and for your whole life. “Nothing” is a treasure trove of riches. When attention can quiet down and sink into the biological organism (your body), you can feel the health and the intelligence of each body part and how it all works together.

And by doing this, you can also feel the environmental influences that balance the activities of your individual biology. When attention is patterned after this balance, many changes take place in your perception of who and what you are. The result is basic changes in your understanding of what you are doing here on this earth. You have regained the evolutional wisdom embedded in each cell of the body. When the student returns to his form of activity, it is this effortless balance of the natural forces on attention that guides his actions. The thinking mind no longer controls his movements or intentions. The student feels uncomfortable in this situation. He must trust that this new origin of activity knows what it is doing and is reliable. This is, of course, a very presumptuous attitude, but it is hard not to feel that way. It is presumptuous because something inside you doubts that the power of nature herself, which is inside you, can’t be trusted and that your little thinking mind knows more. When you are acting spontaneously, you don’t know what will happen next. Or rather, the mind doesn’t know what will happen next because it is not calling the shots.

The more the student allows “nothing” to call the shots, the more he appreciates its wisdom. He can sense how it works and begins to understand its “reasoning.” Of course this reasoning is not thinking, but a more basic, underlying type of intelligence. The next transition of the student is to accept this realm, this experience of intelligence, as his true nature and to realize that thinking is just an activity— not one’s true identity. The student has used the currency of conflict to buy the treasure of his own self, hidden underneath the conflict. He is now the wealth of nothing. The teaching of “nothing” is a subject of the greatest complexity and importance.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I realize that anything and everything is a metaphor. As I sit and play free cell and spider solitaire on my computer at 3 or 4 am, I am discovering profound life lessons, just as profound as when I read books by well known authors. Isn't that odd? Isn't it odd that scrubbing pots can be as profound as doing surgery. Oh well, I could possibly save someone's life if I was a surgeon, and maybe that would have a greater or more useful effect, but would it really in the grand scheme of things? I've spent so many hours attempting to be useful, to have a really useful function, to heal or nurture; and perhaps, just perhaps, it's not something to measure. Perhaps I don't have to be so special! Anyhow, I continue to teach the few students who come to my classes, and whether or not they're getting something from the classes (and I know they are)I always do. Lately I've been working about 6 hours a week at the library; mostly shelving books, Dvds, music tapes. It's hard on the knees, but I'm enjoying the hell out of that. In fact, I'm enjoying the hell out of life these days. One of the main things I'm doing is getting my finances organized so I can just stop fretting about owing credit card companies. Fretting won't change the situation I've gotten into. Neither will beating myself up about it. I'm a great worrier. Well, I can just accept that and stop worrying about worrying. What a concept. The earth will continue to rotate on its access whether I worry about it or not. I could choose to simply enjoy my activity of worrying - watch the brain synapses. Breathe.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Much has happened since I wrote on this blog. I will write more later today (September 1, 2010). Right now, I just want to say that I have just completed a 21 day activity of writing that has been most useful. I will continue the process. At this moment, I'm dealing with a number of "issues." More later!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Certainty of Purpose

There was never any doubt in my mind and heart that I desired to play the roles of a partner, a mother, a performer, a dancer, a yogini, a teacher, a writer and an editor. When I occupy myself in these activities, my heart sings clearly and simply. Other activities which I have done are not always so clear. I do some things in order to support myself and my family financially. I do some things because I think I ought to, that there are those who need my services. There are some things I do that have elements of both factors, i.e. a singing heart and a sense of obligation. When an activity has both, or several elements, I find myself to be somewhat “stuck”.

In particular, at this time, I’ve somehow gotten myself to create a system I call “The Gentle Way to Fitness.” I am using this system in my classes and I now have a series of cable TV appearances on DVD. The next logical step is to expand into the commercial world, either through self-production or through an established producer. I tell myself that this would be of service. I also tell myself that it isn’t necessary, that the world and those in it will survive and thrive with or without my contribution. In the past, I didn’t have these conversations. I simply auditioned for roles, practiced yoga, dance, qigong, Nia and other forms of movement joyfully. I prepare for my Nia, GWF and yoga classes with enthusiasm and when I’m teaching, I am in a state of love and gratitude. The poems and plays and articles I’ve written were done with ease and excitement. Yes, I’ve played the game at times of wondering if I’m “good enough”, and those games never stopped me from going for it.

I’m not certain why I’m so full of hesitation about the present project. I’m not certain if I should bypass my hesitation and just plow on. After all, I did years and years of “jobs” that weren’t necessarily my heart’s desire. It was necessary, so I did it. I found ways to do what I thought I had to do.
I pray that I receive guidance. In the meantime, I will do what I do, being open to receive direction from my heart, my higher self, the All That Is. Those messages sometimes come from the most unexpected places. I am listening.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Private Class

I didn't intend a private class, but since only one student showed up for the Nia class I was subbing, that's what happened; and it was really gratifying. She said she wanted to work on her stamina - something I need to pay attention to also. I also helped her "get" a couple of steps she has difficulty with: cha cha cha and jazz square. I really like helping people (and myself) with detail and with pacing.

Thinking about the word "substitute." It's rather ridiculous to think in terms of substitute and preparation when this is always IT, i.e. NOW and therefore a much richer experience.

I'm feeling like when I'm teaching, I'm connecting on an energetic level. It was hot hot hot today. I am SO grateful for our little apartment pool and for the shower and the fan in our apartment. We don't have an air conditioner, nor do we have any plans to obtain one.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I had a good talk with Karri Wynn and my interest in producing a DVD etc. has been reignited. Also, there is someone who wants to teach The Gentle Way to Fitness. SO, I'm going to start writing more on this blog about the classes - what's working, what isn't.

I had a small class this morning and asked for feedback. We don't have a mirror in this room and one of the students said she would prefer it if I did ALL the teaching facing the class. I can see that this might be a good idea. I also use circles a lot. It keeps the energy solid. This same student said she really likes the way I do hip movements. My focus was chakra energy. I am very comfortable with the concept of chakras, because I have many years of study and practice with them. In terms of other teachers, it would be good for me to be very specific in my lesson plans or teacher dvd's. Also in terms of dvd for the public, I must remember to "assume nothing"!

Monday, June 7, 2010


This morning my husband had several teeth pulled out in preparation for dentures. I did my best to remain neutral in order to assist him in the healing process. We used BodyTalk Access. I drove the car home while he pretty much slept. It was an hour's drive. I put a subliminal healing tape in the player. Yes, it can be played while driving.

My Nia classes are going well, both the classes I take and the classes I teach.

My guest for the cable TV show I did this month is a beautiful massage and polarity therapist. She demonstrated and had me do self polarity.

As I enter this, I'm playing Chakra Dancer. I've done it a few times, but not enough to have it in class.

Monday, May 10, 2010

It's Been Awhile

Started The Course of Miracles. This is a very intense course.

Regarding GWF. I now have a number of DVDs from the various cable TV shows I've done.
I continue to teach one class by that name and one Nia class. They are basically the same, since the Nia class is at a senior center.

I am now licensed for another year as a Nia Black Belt Teacher. I took the White Belt again. It was a good review.

We Learn what we Know. We Use what we Learn. We Live what we Use.

Coming up: Breitenbush Solstice. A Free GWF workshop July 10. I wake up many mornings with ideas downloaded. There was one this morning which I seem to have temporarily forgotten! Yikes. It was how to begin the 3 hour workshop. 'Twould be good to write down the messages as they come in. Well, at least I called and reserved the space and sent out invitations.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Remebering The Good Ol' School Days

I remember walking to and from grammar school as an adventure including rolling down some hills, picking cherries, being chased by the mean boys from the Catholic School and finding alternate ways to get there. I don't remember what I did when it was raining, but I do remember being bundled up enough to walk through snow and all the adventures that created. I walked alone and there was never concern for my safety. Junior High and High School were too far away to walk, but I did have to walk several blocks to get to the school bus stop.

In the classroom: passing notes, spitballs, twanging the rubber in our mouths that held our braces, Maybe those things still happen - except I think teeth braces have changed. It never occurred to us to be anything but respectful to our teachers or wear jeans. It was actually fun to be smart, and we certainly felt safe. We had classes in art, music and gym. We didn't have computers or calculators. We wrote in longhand and were graded on neatness as well as correct grammar and spelling. We had after school clubs, theater and sports.

Friday, March 26, 2010


I have a cable TV program called The Gentle Way to Fitness. I have no idea how many people watch and follow it. I've received a couple of phone calls and a few of my friends have told me they've seen and enjoyed it. I've finally realized that I wanted confirmation, affirmation, maybe even a thank you!

Recently I gave someone a birthday gift of a necklace I'd purchased in India. She didn't acknowledge it. I realize that I wanted an acknowledgment.

I'm told that the greatest way to give is to do so without expectation. Just as the sun shines (even through clouds) every day giving us life, so too I am learning to give whatever I have to give without expectation. This is the Joy of Giving.

Same here. Maybe no one reads this blog. Maybe hundreds do. Maybe no one's life is affected by reading this. Maybe there is transformation, healing and joy coming from this blog.

My job is to continue shining whatever light I have, to give whatever gifts I have to give - whether they are appreciated or acknowledged or not. I'm not there yet. Maybe that's why I don't always get a thank you!


Sguatting and the Joints

I received an email asking me for suggestions regarding the Nia 5 Stages. For anyone reading this who doesn't know what they are, you can go to and look them up. They are also described with pictures in the Nia Technique book. Basically, they follow the developmental stages of movement that most babies go through: Embryonic, Creeping, Crawling, Standing and Walking. In natural development, Sitting is in there also. The 5 Stages Nia Technique doesn't include sitting. Here's what I wrote to my friend:

About the "Standing" movement (squat) in the Nia 5 Stages. Here are my suggestions from personal experience:

By doing the 5 Stages consistently, I was able to get an overall increase in flexibility and strength in the joints. And yes, every time I'd come to Standing, I'd be discouraged UNTIL I accepted that it wasn't as comfortable as the other stages. I'd remind myself to love and honor my body and make adjustments to coax it into the posture and allow that it might never be "perfect." I assist myself by hanging onto doorknobs or other props - just as babies do. I make sure to breathe into the posture. This works for all postures! I do use the suggestions to get into it - i.e. widen the knees and feet. For me, it works to go right into flat feet rather than have one heel raised. You'll find your body's way. That's the key.. to find your body's way...tweak tweak tweak. I love to watch babies go through this process. I learn so much from them. One of the things I've added is to go into sitting - especially during the crawling stage.

The main thing, of course, is to be patient and loving to my body - to appreciate it in all it's abilities and disabilities. I am so very thankful that my body is as able as it is. I'm actually in awe of it! I attempt to feed it, bathe it and move it in ways that nurture it. I say attempt, because sometimes I forget what a gift it is and don't serve it as well as I could. It helps me to have people ask for assistance - Thank you!! Then I am reminded of the tools I have been given.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Being of Service

A student came back to my class today. She had taken one class with me about two or more months ago. She wasn't able to continue because of her schedule. Well, now her schedule has changed, so she can resume. She told me of something I had said during that one class that stayed with her and affected her life! I had suggested the principle of Dancing Through Life by infusing our ordinary movements with consciousness and grace. Wow. Today was about the heart chakra and my heart is filled with joy and gratitude that I am able to bring something like this to humanity.

So maybe I'm not always keeping the rhythm or phrasing exactly perfect. So maybe I can't do a split or a back bend anymore. So maybe I don't look like a fashion model or movie star any more. Big DEAL! I can still say and do things that help people raise their consciousness, awareness and joy level YAY!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Is Anybody Reading This?

I won't go the Facebook Route. It's just TOO time consuming. Anyhow, this blog is read by me, and maybe that's enough. I've filled books and books of journals with my musings, and I don't share them with anyone. So maybe this is the same and I'm saving paper.

Had another vivid dream. In that one I was lost in a city that had HUGE building structuring going on - almost otherworldly. Even though I had foolishly not taken the phone number and/or address of the place I had departed from, I wasn't all that panic stricken. Somehow I knew I was dreaming.

Busy Busy Busy. We're starting a qigong/tai chi practice with some other people. I arranged a space. Steve is feeling a wee bit better. This should be really good for him to do. Me too.

Learned a new Nia routine with a group. I haven't learned it well enough to teach, but it's a start and it was good to be with the group; a gift. I was surprised that my body was able to spend all those hours without falling apart.

The caterpillar can still transform into a butterfly - perhaps not as big and bright as some others, but still a butterfly who flies.

Friday, March 5, 2010

More dreaming

So here's a bit from another dream. I was introduced to someone who could tell you about yourself by the foods you liked and chose to eat. He looked at what I'd put on my plate from a buffet and told me I was someone who loved adventure, loved to try new things.

When I woke up I wondered about that, i.e. what can you tell about someone's choice of food? I know I like to see what others are buying when I stand in line at a supermarket. Who's a parent, who's giving a party, who's on a diet, who's a gourmet and who's a gourmond.

Busy busy busy these days. Life.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Taking Care of MySelf

It's been challenging. My husband has lots of things going on with his body, and I am basically his only caretaker - driving him to the emergency room, picking up medication, doing my best to ease his pain. I don't want to go into any more detail.

What I am learning here is that I am in the mindset of my generation of women, i.e. it's our "job" to take care of husband, children, the whole darn world. That's me, super mom. And we're supposed to do it all cheerfully, lovingly and with compassion while putting ourselves second - or even fourth. If we have murderous thoughts, we are supposed to feel guilty.

I'm learning that thoughts of, "I want OUT." are natural, that I won't act on them, but feeling guilty about those thoughts only drains the energy more, and the resentment pops out at inappropriate and destructive times.

I was advised to come clean with my husband, whom I love DEARLY. He totally understood, which is one of the reasons I love him DEARLY. He encouraged me to take care of nurturing myself; promised that if I did, he would survive.

My dear friend and teacher, Debbie, asked me, "What do you love to do just for yourself?"

Well, today I asked myself that question and this is what I did.

I got in the car and drove aimlessly, knowing the gps would get me home when it was time. That simple activity with no purpose, no concrete result, was amazing. I so enjoyed seeing the beautiful hills, sheep, trees, homes I found myself driving through! I so enjoyed being alone. I remembered the times when I did that - just wandered, explored. I listened to the radio as I was driving - Prairie Home Companion, one of my favorite programs; then a program about polar bears. I stopped to use a restroom. When I came home, Steve was asleep. I did some work.

Maybe he'll get well. Maybe he won't. Maybe I'll learn to be less "attached" to his process. In the meantime, I can take an hour here or there to be selfish, to do something just for me and no one else. What a concept.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Dream about Carlos ( co-founder and teacher of Nia)

Dream – 2-19-2010

We were in a studio – quite plain – light and clean – no mirrors.

There were several students there – me and about 12 others. They were young men and women, maybe in their 20’s. I was as I am now. We were dressed in soft, light moss-green pants and tops.
Carlos was our teacher. He was wearing simple pants and top – soft, light tan. He stood in front of us. No music. No explanation. No ego-personality. He led us in qigong type movements, repeating the same sequence of movements several times in silence. I was standing in front of the other students. We were all facing Carlos. I followed Carlos closely, aware of detail of form. He didn’t do everything exactly the same each time. At one point, two or three students were whispering and giggling. Carlos continued the movements. He went and stood in front of them. They quieted.
The session ended when one of the students walked over to the wall, faced it and went into the yoga pose of the child. We followed one by one until we were all lined up that way.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Teaching Nia and the Chakras

I'm going through the Chakras in my Nia class. Today was Second Chakra (Sacral). Last week I invited them to look up info on the chakra. Today we went around the circle (12 counting me), said our names, gave one piece of info if we wanted to and told of ONE creative thing we did this morning. My creative input was how I put on make-up. When I do, I use my face as a palette and play with lots of different eyeshadow colors etc. Others spoke of what they had differently for breakfast, things they did in their gardens, how she helped a friend decorate her room and so on. Point is that daily life is just as creative as writing a masterpiece novel or painting a magnificent oil. Using the music from TransVision, we did a bit of the routine as is, and did a lot of our own thing. I have a way of having people move and stop and notice the picture they have created when they stop. At the end of each class, we go around and do "Body Gratitude" saying, "Thank you Body I feel...." I find doing this on a regular basis is excellent for awareness and for recognizing that Nia is something they want to continue having in their lives! I LOVE being a Nia Teacher!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Back from India

...trying to remember how to get the message that I'm out of town off my emails!

Everyone is asking me to tell them all about India.

For me, it was an experience of extremes. Extremely hot and buggy bitey. Extremely magnificent in so many ways. Time was totally altered. I met the most wonderful people in the world. The Nia was all I could have hoped for and then some. Unbelievable celebration of my birthday. The love and generosity showered upon me brings tears.

Since I'm back:
Arrived at 11:00 PM Monday night. My honey was there to meet me. We stood in an embrace for several minutes. My little apartment looks so HUGE. Everything is relevant.

I have some pictures and videos I took with my little camera. I'll have to find out how to download them onto this blog and/or Facebook.

All I will say at this time is that the journey was transformative in several ways. We were staying at the Auroville community which has its own basic concepts. Other parts of India were more what one might expect from that area of the world. I may write more later.

Tuesday, I did an emergency run in the morning (we work for a company called STOPS - picking people up, taking them to the doctors or therapists). In the afternoon I taught my class. It was the first in a series at the Elsie Stuhr Senior Center. I was amazed how beautifully it went. Somehow I've embodied some of the teaching vibes I experienced from the three masters - Danielle, Sabine and Phillipe.

In Lakesh,
