Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Teaching Nia and the Chakras

I'm going through the Chakras in my Nia class. Today was Second Chakra (Sacral). Last week I invited them to look up info on the chakra. Today we went around the circle (12 counting me), said our names, gave one piece of info if we wanted to and told of ONE creative thing we did this morning. My creative input was how I put on make-up. When I do, I use my face as a palette and play with lots of different eyeshadow colors etc. Others spoke of what they had differently for breakfast, things they did in their gardens, how she helped a friend decorate her room and so on. Point is that daily life is just as creative as writing a masterpiece novel or painting a magnificent oil. Using the music from TransVision, we did a bit of the routine as is, and did a lot of our own thing. I have a way of having people move and stop and notice the picture they have created when they stop. At the end of each class, we go around and do "Body Gratitude" saying, "Thank you Body I feel...." I find doing this on a regular basis is excellent for awareness and for recognizing that Nia is something they want to continue having in their lives! I LOVE being a Nia Teacher!!


  1. I love this Kaycheri!!! "Thank you Body, I feel...". I'm going to have to borrow it if you don't mind! AND I love the beginning circle asking for one creative thing - obviously 2nd chakra-related in this instance - but what a powerful message to align oneself with!!! Nice job Kaycheri!

  2. You are welcome to "borrow" anything I do and make it your own. The body gratitude is from the Nia 5 Stages. It is very powerful. I usually end the class by breathing in, opening the arms and on the exhale we say Now I Am (Nia) grateful for my body etc. We say and do it four times: body, mind, emotions, spirit. I remind them that we use the word "spirit" in Nia to mean that which makes us each uniquely us.
