Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I dreamt that Jill C. and I went in her car to Carlos and Annie's wedding. The deal was that if someone was in the first 10 cars to arrive, they could attend. We met that criteria. Jill and I and another woman (don't know who) sat in seats in the ballroom where the ceremony was to be held. Annie walked alone to the designated area. I don't remember what she was wearing, but I think it was something simple. Then Carlos came in. His hair was gray. He wore a PLAID suit jacket..looked really odd. He walked around Annie eight times. I thought that was a little odd also. In the Orthodox Jewish religion, the bride walks around the groom eight times.

That's all I remember of that dream. I dreamt it a few nights ago and didn't write down the details.

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!! I love this dream!!!! Eight is symbolic of infinity...I'm so glad we could be in the first 10 cars!! What a hoot!!! And Carlos in plaid...that would definitely be a sight!!

    For me, Carlos embodies so much of the feminine yin energy...very balanced with the masculine yang. Perhaps that's why he chose (in the dream) to walk around Annie 8 times.

    Dreams are so odd, aren't they???


