Monday, March 8, 2010

Is Anybody Reading This?

I won't go the Facebook Route. It's just TOO time consuming. Anyhow, this blog is read by me, and maybe that's enough. I've filled books and books of journals with my musings, and I don't share them with anyone. So maybe this is the same and I'm saving paper.

Had another vivid dream. In that one I was lost in a city that had HUGE building structuring going on - almost otherworldly. Even though I had foolishly not taken the phone number and/or address of the place I had departed from, I wasn't all that panic stricken. Somehow I knew I was dreaming.

Busy Busy Busy. We're starting a qigong/tai chi practice with some other people. I arranged a space. Steve is feeling a wee bit better. This should be really good for him to do. Me too.

Learned a new Nia routine with a group. I haven't learned it well enough to teach, but it's a start and it was good to be with the group; a gift. I was surprised that my body was able to spend all those hours without falling apart.

The caterpillar can still transform into a butterfly - perhaps not as big and bright as some others, but still a butterfly who flies.

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