Friday, March 26, 2010

Sguatting and the Joints

I received an email asking me for suggestions regarding the Nia 5 Stages. For anyone reading this who doesn't know what they are, you can go to and look them up. They are also described with pictures in the Nia Technique book. Basically, they follow the developmental stages of movement that most babies go through: Embryonic, Creeping, Crawling, Standing and Walking. In natural development, Sitting is in there also. The 5 Stages Nia Technique doesn't include sitting. Here's what I wrote to my friend:

About the "Standing" movement (squat) in the Nia 5 Stages. Here are my suggestions from personal experience:

By doing the 5 Stages consistently, I was able to get an overall increase in flexibility and strength in the joints. And yes, every time I'd come to Standing, I'd be discouraged UNTIL I accepted that it wasn't as comfortable as the other stages. I'd remind myself to love and honor my body and make adjustments to coax it into the posture and allow that it might never be "perfect." I assist myself by hanging onto doorknobs or other props - just as babies do. I make sure to breathe into the posture. This works for all postures! I do use the suggestions to get into it - i.e. widen the knees and feet. For me, it works to go right into flat feet rather than have one heel raised. You'll find your body's way. That's the key.. to find your body's way...tweak tweak tweak. I love to watch babies go through this process. I learn so much from them. One of the things I've added is to go into sitting - especially during the crawling stage.

The main thing, of course, is to be patient and loving to my body - to appreciate it in all it's abilities and disabilities. I am so very thankful that my body is as able as it is. I'm actually in awe of it! I attempt to feed it, bathe it and move it in ways that nurture it. I say attempt, because sometimes I forget what a gift it is and don't serve it as well as I could. It helps me to have people ask for assistance - Thank you!! Then I am reminded of the tools I have been given.

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