Sunday, August 23, 2009


It is said - somewhere - that we are here for a purpose. We do not necessarily know what that purpose is. It may be something as small as the smile we flashed at someone and that someone thought better of his or her plan to end it all, or it may be something as dramatic as discovering the cure for cancer. Whatever it is, once we have fulfilled our purpose, it's time for the spirit to move on and the body is disposed of by what we erroneously label as "death."

Last night while I was doing Tarot readings, I sat across from a young man who asked me if I believed in past lives, i.e. reincarnation. His shoulders were held forward and up in a vain attempt to protect his neck. He told me that he couldn't bear to have anyone touch his neck and that he believed that the cause of his fear had to do with a past life in which he'd been hung, strangled or beheaded.

I assured him that one of the movies of another of his many lives may well have had such a scenario, and I told him that it would not happen again. We looked at some cards and talked a bit more. When I'd completed the five-minute reading, my left arm reached across the table and the fingers of my left hand gently touched the right side of his neck. His eyes widened, his shoulders relaxed and he said, "I didn't flinch! That was fine!"

I had no idea that I was going to touch him. It was totally spontaneous. All I felt was agape, and so did he.

Whether this moment will be permanent, i.e. whether or not he is no longer afraid to have his neck touched, I don't know. I do know there was a moment of healing, a moment of connection, a moment of peace.

And that is enough.

I'm still here. I awoke this morning to discover I haven't completed the contract. If and when I do, I'm ready.

By the way, Jill, I am NOT making a Nia DVD. Only Debbie, Carlos and Jeff can do that. None of us can make a Nia DVD and sell it. We can, however, promote Nia on YouTube etc. In fact we are urged to do so.

I AM in the process - on the journey - to make a DVD. It will be a DVD of THE GENTLE WAY TO FITNESS.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for the misnomer Kaycheri.

    Bravo for The Gentle Way to Fitness DVD.

