Friday, December 11, 2009

Bitch Bitch Bitch

I looked at some pictures from last year's trek to India and got really bummed seeing all those young, gorgeous bodies. Sometimes I'm ok with getting old, and sometimes I HATE it!! So what do I do? I go out and get a decaf coffee and a great big chocolate chip cookie. That'll really help get rid of the 10 or so extra pounds. But why try anymore? Why can't I just accept that I'm wrinkled and chubby and love it? God knows I'm blessed to still be able to move at all and to remember most words.

Why the hell can't I learn what I teach?? - to love, honor and accept oneself; to be grateful just to be alive.

Meanwhile, we're getting really discouraged about living here. They won't do anything to upgrade the place. Our rugs are disgusting - old, shabby, permanently stained. If we would want the walls painted, we'd have to do it ourselves. The MAIN thing is the neighbors - the smoker whose smoke gets into our apartment and is killing us. None of the neighbors are people I'd want to hang out with. Am I a snob? You betcha.

My dream is to live in dignity, beauty and cleanliness among people of like mind, creative, curious, and adventurous.

1 comment:

  1. We all find ourselves in circumstances that are less than what we would choose. It is how we respond to those circumstances that changes our environment. I see videos and pictures of people in third world countries who live in disgusting conditions and yet find themselves to actually have dignity, beauty and cleanliness (to whatever degree is possible) -- it's their world and they choose to see it that way. And of course the media only shows us the disgust, the ugliness, the starvation.

    One of my favorite adages is, "If you don't like what you see, change the way you see it."

    Now, that could be actually changing locations, moving to a place that fits more into what your vision is of dignity, beauty and cleanliness. Then again, it could be as simple as the ABCs --acceptance, balance, creativity.

