Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Journey Continues

Well, we completed the course - Living From Vision. Fantastic. Steve facilitated it and he did a great job. I hope he does it again so I can audit.

Also, reading Robert Fritz' book THE PATH OF LEAST RESISTANCE. I would recommend it. He points out that living in reaction or response - which is the way most people live - creates powerlessness and victomhood. How true.

Getting it together to go to India. Yes.

Meanwhile the project is moving along. I have all but ten minutes of original music to choreograph.

I am also now under the auspices of a non-profit organization. Big step towards getting grant money. The next step is to manifest a business partner. Yes, I could do it all by myself, and I prefer to have someone experienced in these matters who is excited and committed to make it happen.

Meanwhile, two local videographer/editors have expressed interest. Both of them are aware of my empty pockets and will not be held back by that.

Yes, this project is not mine, it is simply happening through my particular beingness.

The DVDs from the cable shows look pretty darn good! We will be going from 1/2 hour shows to one hour in January.

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