Thursday, December 3, 2009

New and old Ventures

Well, I've gotten myself in debt - not a huge amount, but something I want to take care of quickly.

Reason? I'm going to India for a Nia blast at Auroville Community. The airfare costs more than the room, board and classes for ten days. We also incurred a few other expenses. AND I got a letter from the IRS that I owe an additional $700 plus. My accountant informs me that, unfortunately, this is correct.

SO I asked my inner guides what to do about my concern. All of a sudden people started asking me to sub for their yoga and Nia classes. Also, I got the "message" to put it out that I am available as a writer/editor.

My debt is in the form of credit cards, so I can pay the monthly minimum and get slammed with interest. I can also pay monthly to the IRS. It will all work out. Mainly, I must release my judgment - not make myself bad and wrong. It was drilled into me that it is shameful to be in debt - that it shows lack of character. I have taken "pride" in handling money efficiently to stay out of debt. Pride goeth before a fall.

Okay this blog is supposed to be about THE GENTLE WAY TO FITNESS!

Well, it's happening. The cable TV appearances are going well. I now have a few really decent DVDs to share. We're going to continue in 2010. Jeremy and I had a really good talk over Thanksgiving and we reached a deeper understanding.

I'm feeling ready to give more classes and workshops. I can do this as a Black Belt Nia teacher also - Gentle Nia.

In the meantime - or along with it all - I am taking a course that my husband teaches. It's called "Living From Vision." This course is amazing and I know it is giving me more tools for my reaching my goals.

As my friend Lee would say, "It's all good."

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