Sunday, September 25, 2011

What do I really want to say to the world?

I want to say that we humans have the potential to live a beautiful life as co-creators. I consciously believe we are truly connected. Since I don’t always act that way, I suspect that subconsciously, I believe differently. I suspect that subconsciously I don’t trust others and even myself.

AND, I am doing my best to bring the conscious belief in love and connection to my subconscious so that I can act on this belief and share it.

I believe that our hope as humanity lies in the concept that we are all One, that we are connected.

Okay, so I could just sit on stage and say what I’ve just said, share the many poems and pieces saying the same thing in different ways. BUT I also want to entertain you and stimulate you as I entertain and stimulate myself. I want to share the flow of thoughts and experiences that travel through me at breakneck speed. I am constantly entertaining and stimulating myself. I’m thoroughly enjoying the process of writing, writing, writing.

So, now that I’ve answered the question:

Today I was listening to the radio as I was driving. It was an interview with a poet who has dyslexia. He told how difficult it was for him as a child. He finally learned to read, and it is still a slow process for him. There is something missing in his brain. It’s a neurological situation. He has compensated for this birth situation (I hate the word “defect”) and does read. He also writes poetry.

I thought about my friend and teacher who tells us that she had to compensate for dyslexia as well as some other difficulties. As I’ve heard tell in many such cases, she not only compensated, she has become outstanding in many ways. She functions brilliantly.

I thought about my own abilities. Almost everything on a physical and mental level has actually come fairly easily to me. I am flexible, well-coordinated and well-balanced. I am attractive and healthy. I never had to work hard to excel in sports or dance. Mentally I was equally agile. I was an outstanding student with little effort. I had talent as a graphic artist. I write easily and quickly learned how to spell and punctuate. I did have to put in some effort to learn lines as an actor, and I couldn’t bill myself as a singer. Neither of those small difficulties kept me off a stage or film.

SO, I didn’t work at much of anything. Although it’s been pleasant to have things come easily to me, I suspect that if I had to work harder to achieve what I wanted, perhaps I would have become more skillful than I am. Maybe I would have become outstanding instead of just a bit beyond mediocre.

HOWEVER, there’s no point in the game of “If only…”  I’d rather play the game of “I’m not separate.”

If I’m not separate, I can truly enjoy how others live their lives. I can benefit internally, empathize and identify with them with passion and compassion.

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