Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Bumblebee
This is about a bumblebee.

She is a multidimensional bumblebee, and
Like all bumblebees, she doesn’t know she is aerodynamically unable to fly
So she flies

She flies to find honey
She seeks honey, not only from myriads of flowers, but from stones and stars, snails and whales, clouds and crayfish
And everywhere she goes, she finds honey.

If you look closely, you may notice the body of this multidimensional bumblebee is a bit tattered
Her wings are a bit frayed
Her eyesight has dimmed with age
And yet she believes she is young and beautiful
And so she is

She buzzes indignantly when some flashy butterfly derides her, or when a human swats at her with one of those vicious swatters they’ve invented to put bumblebees in their proper place, which is, of course, OUT, because they are such a nuisance with their buzzing and sipping

This particular bumble will probably dodge all her would-be assailants, because just as she doesn’t know she is unable to fly, she doesn’t know she is destined to die.

So on she goes, season after season, buzzing and sipping, soaring and spiraling, singing her own version of whatever national anthem suits the moment.

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