Thursday, September 29, 2011

It crept up on me
I was young
Somewhat of a brat
Cokes after school
At Dake’s drugstore
Flirting with boys

Before I could catch my breath
I was married
On a hot day
Wearing a borrowed wedding dress
That I hated

Fast forward to a different husband
A daughter
Dream come true
A daughter I could name after my dead mother

A son

Along the way
Lots of lovers
None of them quite the One
Although each time I hoped

Son and daughter grown and gone

Where did they go?

He’s the One

We moved west together

Who am I?
Where do I belong?

Who is this woman with wrinkled arms and legs and face?

Who is this woman with more gray than black in her hair?

Body hasn’t been slim for years

So many things I can no longer do
Cartwheels, handstands, backbends
Full lotus

I am bound by regrets
For the foolish things like cartwheels
That I don’t do

Then I berate myself for
Regretting the smooth skin

I tell myself to be grateful
For my good health
For the many things my body can do

I tell myself to be grateful
For so many many joys
Son and daughter
Great  grand children

They’re far away
These great-grandchildren
They don’t know me
I don’t know them

My fourth husband is aging
His body is compromised
Heart, kidneys, prostrate

They don’t work all that well

He’s had to have several teeth removed

I don’t hear so well
I’m considering a hearing aid

If I start to wear a hearing aid
I’ll know I’m no longer young.

I’m sorry God
I’m sorry that I’m not more grateful
For what I do have

The brain still works fairly well
Although I forget more and more words
They sit on the tip of my tongue

The weird thing is
I’m happier now than when I was
Supple, smooth and slim

I no longer have days and days
Of deep depression

I no longer have nights and nights
Of desperation

I’m trying God
I’m trying to accept
The aging process

I’m trying to
Grow old with grace
Humor, and gratitude

1 comment:

  1. Wow. We're kind of on the same mind-game here -- I posted something on my blog about remembering things from my past that I would rather not remember -- and giving thanks for them even though my first reaction is to go "UGH." And when I look in the mirror I wonder, too, who is this woman with wrinkles and "chicken skin" on my upper arms? Not as flexible or mobile as I used to be, but thank the Lord for Nia. Love you Kaycheri.
