Sunday, September 25, 2011

What am I passionate about? – just about everything. I am a highly emotional person. I think I can answer the question, “What don’t I care about?” more easily, or “What don’t I like?” For instance, I don’t care much about the news. I don’t read newspapers or listen to the news on the radio. I just am not drawn to it. I don’t care about sports as an observer. When I am doing s ports, I’m passionate about it. since I am no longer involved in sports, I remember the passion I felt in the past – swimming – horseback riding – field hockey – la cross – volleyball. I remember running and running until my heart hurt. There was something passionately ecstatic about the pain. I haven’t done that since High School; although when I was on the swim team in college, I swam so much and so hard that I got bronchial pneumonia. Now I’m passionate Nia, yoga and teaching the classes I teach. I berate myself for not being more dedicated, for allowing myself to be distracted. I’m passionately distracted, easily distracted. I accept. What the hell. It’s time I allowed that I am the way I am. These days, the way I am is more happy than not. I was always a passionate reader of books. I love books, the feel, the sight, the content of some of them. I fall in love with an author, want to read everything he or she wrote. I feel as though I get to know the author when I read something he or she wrote, and there are no strings attached. After awhile, being fickle, I will abandon the person and fall in love with someone else. This leads me to how fickle I have been in falling in and out of love with people, at the same time being loyal in love, not faithful, but loyal. I have been faithful AND loyal to Steve for over 26 years. That’s an amazing record for me. Either he’s an amazing person – and he is –or I’ve grown up some – and I have – so it’s both.

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