Friday, September 23, 2011

Dealing a little differently with emotion, as Life is Art. So I felt depressed. Chose to use it rather than trying to change it. Turned on the radio - classic music station and danced my feeling. Some really interesting moves emerged. Felt really good to move with the feeling. Remembered Debbie's instruction to dance feeling from the core. Being alone helped me to dance just for me in relationship to the music, which just "happened" to suit the feeling. Somewhere along the way, maybe it was something triggered by Steve, the feeling merged into anger. Without music, I danced anger. Then the phone rang and I had a long talk with Martha, a co-creator. My feeling about what we are planning to do together - a degree of excitement and hope, also a bit of anxiety about learning the skills we plan to learn. So right here, right now, I have several feelings going on. They seem to be lodged mainly in my chest and diaphragm. Maybe having just eaten might be more significant than the emotions. So what I realize is that in terms of creativity, the screen or blank canvas to paint on is with me all the time. My major source is this body, mind, emotions and SPIRIT. Sure some of it comes from the outside - maybe 2 %. The outside just called (Steve) me to abandon this and join him in our trip to visit a friend. He calls. I respond. So much anger about Steve. Yet underneath the anger, so much love - or is there?

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