Friday, July 17, 2009

Continuing on the Bumpy Road and "Wit"

First of all, I want to write about the movie "Wit" with Emma Thompson. It's about a college professor who is being treated for Ovarian Cancer - not a comedy to be sure. It was so very real - brings you into the hospital and doctors and nurses and their machines. Steve and I were mesmerized watching it. Ms Thompson, as to be expected, was absolutely brilliant.

Concerning the DVD/CD. I subbed for a Nia class this morning - Opal. I stayed with Nia almost entirely. I did play the "name game" and "free form" - techniques developed from KelmanWorks. The beauty of Nia is that it has room for expansion. The students, especially those new to Nia, expressed appreciation for my approach - which is more and more coming from the gentle way to fitness.

It's just too too hot today. No word from Portland Media. I'll call or email again on Monday. In the meantime, it has been suggested that I contact Tualatin Valley Cable Station. I think it would be awesome to have a GWF (Gentle Way to Fitness) class on cable as a precursor to the DVD. I did purchase a domain name - not ready for a website - everything in its time.

I had a rather unpleasant experience mid-afternoon. It was as if I was totally depleted of energy. I've been really stressed about Steve's attack of gout. I don't want to be a caretaker - pure and simple. Anyhow, I'm pretty much recovered. Breathe. Breathe. (Funny, that was the focus for the class this morning - just remembered!)

Well, today was the final day for the new Black Belters! Yay for them. Yay for Carlos who guides them. Yay for the spirit of Nia.

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