Sunday, July 12, 2009

Following the Path of Intention

Sometimes it's delicious to do something alone. Yesterday I went to a street fair alone. Steve was out of town and I didn't ask anyone else to accompany me. I wandered from booth to booth - had long conversations with some of the booth owners and no conversation with most of them. I bought lemonade and a bread, cheese and olive thing. I took a few bites of the bread, cheese and olive thing and threw most of it away - something I almost NEVER do! I danced to a band. And THEN, I discovered why I had come to the fair. There was a booth about media. I made a GREAT connection to further the DVD/CD project. I'll write more about that when it evolves.

I left the fair and returned to my car. As I slowly walked the several blocks back to my car, I drank in the beauty of the trees, flowers, people and houses. I saw a most extraordinary house. It was large and painted purple. It was a magical house. I just HAD to go up the steps and walk all around it. It seemed that no one was home. After circling the house, I sat on the steps for awhile.

Connecting, merging, parting, imbibing, expressing, alive in silence and sound, separately being all one.

I will read this entry in the future and relive those hours. If another reads this entry, he or she will recall his or her own magical mystery tour - or not. I must learn and remember that it's not my responsibility to create another's experience. I'm NOT everyone's mommy - even to the children that came out of my body. My son will have lived 47 years tomorrow. Egads and little fishes! Wasn't it just yesterday that he was an infant at my breast??


  1. Synchronicity...spontaneity...I love your blog Kaycheri. Thanks.

  2. Reminds me of my own solo journeys. I agree with can be a delicious treat to meander with no agenda and no one to pay attention to but your own spirit. Lovely.
