Friday, October 16, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

Rehearsed with my producer and the two women who will be playing the part of yoga students demonstrating the Yoga Gentle Way to Fitness, or Gentle Yoga. One will sit in a chair to demonstrate and the other one will stand and sit on the yoga mat.

During rehearsal, one of the students had a lot to say, many suggestions and directions. The producer, also someone who has done a lot of yoga, gave her suggestions and opinions. Interesting experience for my ego. I believe I was able to accept the situation with C.O.A.L. - Curiosity, Openness, Acceptance and Love. I will be teaching (subbing) a class come Sunday and a couple of the suggestions made may find their way in my presentation. No matter how many years I've studied and practiced yoga, I am always amazed at the variety and complexity available in it. And this is just the Hatha Yoga branch!

Tomorrow I'll be part of a Nia Jam. I'll be doing Traveling, Opal and Downtown from OPAL.

For me, the constant challenge is to avoid comparison where I most often place myself in the position of not as good, attractive, intelligent or appealing as the other. Silly game, n'est-ce-pas? At least I'm at the point where I catch myself playing that game and switch to following the four agreements. "Speak with Impeccability, Take nothing Personally, Assume Nothing, Do Your Best." or some other useful tool. There are so many! Like counting my blessings.

Back to reviewing for tomorrow.

May all who read this be blessed. May all who don't read this be blessed also.

I drop my pebble of love in the pond and watch the ripples expand.

1 comment:

  1. Something very interesting is happening Kaycheri...the reason I haven't commented on your blogs is that your blog has ceased updating on my weird. The last blog of yours that shows on my page is the one from Oct. 16th. Harrrummmph!!!

    And to comment on your most recent absolutely hit the nail on the head with the fact that you are AWARE of when you begin the inner chatter of comparing yourself to others. That's a major step to the wonderment of change.

    Much love to was the Nia Jam??


