Friday, October 23, 2009

Yoga Session and a Stupid Film

I've been busy putting together my yoga session for Cable TV. So far I've done three cable shows. It's good discipline. Once I got past looking at that old broad with slightly buck teeth and a slightly chubby middle on TV (yeah that's the body I'm in current residence of) I was satisfied with the result. Let's face it, this is cable. It's good practice for me as I tend to need a specific goal for discipline.

Oh yeah, I got a look at the movie I'm in, the one where I'm sitting next to Jennifer Aniston in a yoga class. It's a split second shot in a BORING film, Management. DON'T see it!!

I would like to do another film or two before I check out. AND I would want it to be a decent role in a decent film - not in some mindless waste of time like Management. Sorry Jennifer. Would you believe they put a wig on her? Looks awful. Why would they cover that lovely hair? The film was made here in Portland, OR.

Well, my Nia teacher, Carlos Rosas, is getting married. There was mass confusion regarding the wedding reception. He had sent out an announcement asking all us Nia-ites to hold him and his bride in our thoughts. We were NOT invited to the wedding OR to the reception. Life is such a comedy.

Today's thought is "Appreciation." Do I appreciate the life I've created for myself? YES YES YES. It's a good life. Truly.

1 comment:

  1. I'm totally in the dark about why anyone would find Carlos and Annie announcement confusing?? It was an announcement of their wedding and reception, yes? It never crossed my mind that someone might interpret that as an "invitation". I would hope not to get an invitation to either a wedding or a reception via the internet. That would certainly seem tacky and "tacky" is not a word that I would use to describe Carlos...I don't know Annie, but I presume that tacky would not fit with her either.

    I do hope it was lovely and I wish them all the happiness they desire.

    And yes, life is good -- appreciating that it is so makes it even better.

    I appreciate YOU!!


