Sunday, October 11, 2009

Moving right Along

I was reading a couple of other blogs this morning. Blogs take on different roles. Some are entertaining. Others are used as teaching tools. Mine is pretty much a personal journal where I share my thoughts and doings.

Here goes today's blog:
SO much going on! Do I have the energy to take it all in?

I will be auditing Nia Brown Belt this afternoon and all day tomorrow. Nia continues to offer me so much. I am continually grateful to be included in it.

Saw the movie "A Serious Man" last night. Coen brothers. Omigod. It was, as all their movies, BRILLIANT!! The characters were mostly Jewish with all the Jewish "stuff". I wonder if non-Jews would find it as hysterically funny. I also wonder how Orthodox Jews would react to it. Steve and I LOVED it. I want to see it again. Of course, I am a big fan of the Coen brothers, their wacky sensibilities and obvious skill as film makers. Whenever I see a movie, I am impressed by the huge number of people it takes to put it together. It takes a village to raise a child. It takes a city to make a movie. Yes, my desire to be part of a movie gets rekindled when I see the artistry of such a one as we saw last night. The desire does not burn as it has in the past, so I will let the fire subside and satisfy myself with the activities of the day.

Yes, I thought I would be a famous movie star. If I was a famous movie star, would I be writing this blog? And if I did, how would it be? And then, perhaps it would be visited by so many people hungry to be dusted by stardust. Anonimity has its place.

We went out to a farm yesterday to help. Came home with chrysanthemums and mucho green stuff. I made a big pot of soup (with the green stuff, not with the chrysanthemums). C'mon over and help us sup it.

1 comment:

  1. Channel surfing, looking for gardening shows, I happened upon your production on TV this morning. (the green wall as background) I was held in the grasp of the restorative possibilities within your work... and the work of your devotees. I need all of that. Thank you. Ellen
