Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Where it Stay?

Steve and I have two airline tickets to go to San Diego. We arrive November 1st and leave November 5th. He contacted two friends that live there. One has moved. The other hasn't responded to his phone calls or email. On to couch surfing. They're all so YOUNG. I guess it's a generation thing. We got one response so far. The guy has someone there already.

Anybody reading this who lives in San Diego and would LOVE to have two old codgers with young hearts and minds surf their couch?

I may tap the Nia population.

Did we really do this?

What happened to being practical?

Oh well, one of our attractions to each other 24 years ago is that we are both adventurers. So far we've survived and thrived. As my dad used to say, "Money is round. It comes and goes and rolls and rolls." I have no medical insurance other than Medicaid and no death insurance. (They call it life insurance, a gross misnomer). Sometimes I wonder what will happen to my body when I leave it. I've thought of donating it to a medical school. My son might be very upset about that. We've discussed it briefly and he may want to take care of the vacated shell.

People just hate to talk about death. As far as I'm concerned, it's no big deal. It's like wearing out a pair of shoes - or maybe they're too tight. Putting bodies in boxes in the earth seems like such a waste of space and wood. The Native Americans were so much more ecological.

It's 5:40 AM. I've been awake since 3ish. Think I'll go back to reading Journeyto the Center of Creation by Ilonna Selke.


  1. Kaycheri,

    One of our Black Belt sisters lives in San Diego.

    I cannot for the life of me remember her name though...ahhh, just came to me: Leora Cooper. She's on FaceBook.



  2. I was up at 2:30 a.m. The Japanese call this obasan hours (grandmother). I think of it more as a passionate calling and to get up before reality sets in, you know what I mean. Your post about young folks (the no problem and whatever group) seemed "down" to me. Play positive and it will find you. Now, YOU have told me that, so this is simply a quid pro quo. I have an old, yes...jr. high school boyfriend in San Diego. He is aggressively negative and I think it will end his life earlier than if he stayed on the bright side. Just a thought. Now, are you sorry you gave me your url?

  3. Kaycheri...

    Stephen Brown (of Illumine) also lives in San Diego I believe!!!

    When are you going? Did you read my latest blog on Lightening It Up?

