Monday, June 15, 2009

Clearing Out

I've accumulated a bunch of journals, books, papers and oddities beside my bed where I have some bookshelves and floorspace. I decided to go through and discard, sell, give away or keep appropriate items. As I was wandering through the journals, I read some of the entries. I found them to be quite entertaining and occasionally enlightening.

I now have a full bag of books to take to Powell's Bookstore. I filled a large trash can with papers etc. I have a HUGE number of manuals notes, handouts, fliers, and lesson plans from my Nia studies. So far, I'm keeping them.

Looking through books: so much information, some of it contradictory - especially information about diet and nutrition. I want to be so in tune with my body that I feed it what it needs rather than what some book or person tells me!

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