Friday, June 12, 2009

Free Form

One of the first parts of the video will be Free Form. This is a technique to get into body awareness gently and safely. It is powerful, can be done anytime and anywhere by anyone.

Basically, you close your eyes, go inside, watch your breath, communicate with your body to follow its movements and observe it as it moves.

After a bit, you consciously pause, ground by sending energy into the feet, hands and head. You may make minor adjustments to maintain balance. Then you begin to move again. You continue moving and pausing, moving and pausing. I find when I do this that the breath is key in directing the energy.

After another bit, you open your eyes, continuing the process, to expand your awareness to the outer environment while being as conscious of the inner environment.

I have been employing this technique with my students and they are finding it useful. In class we partner up, then add more and more people moving and pausing together. I may or may not have that on the video as part of the workout. It would be fun to have a section where that kind of thing could be shown (group activity etc.) Also, in class we usually start in silence and then add music, which of course has an influence.

I have been doing this myself in a classroom situation (Kelmanworks with Melanya Helene) and on my own. It's a different experience each time. It serves me as a moving meditation and a warm-up of the body.

What I love most about it in terms of having it on the DVD is that it is a Gentle Way to Fitness and anyone can do it and benefit from it!

If anyone reading this blog tries this technique and has some feedback from it, I would love to hear about it.

1 comment:

  1. OMG Kaycheri, I'm so glad that I read your blog this morning before class. I'm dealing with such pain in my right hip and am planning to continue to teach Nia in some form or another. The beautiful description of Free Form that you have above is perfect for what I want to do in this morning's class. You are such a gift to the world!!! Thanks so much. I look forward to a time when I can see your DVD. I'll get back to you later after class this morning.
