Friday, June 5, 2009

Questions to Contemplate


"Now that we have entered into the 11th moon of the 13-Tone Cycle, we are invited to look at our lives through the lens of: The Spectral Tone of Liberation… The codes are RELEASE, LIBERATE, DISSOLVE!

Shall we let go? Shall we surrender our negativity and unnecessary mind-created sufferings? Shall we release into our natural beauty and Self-appreciation for ourselves as shining sparks of creation? Shall we dissolve our fear-based clingings into immense, unspeakable trust in the divine order? Shall we stop trying to control the flow? Shall we submit to the order of chaos as it liberates us and brings new, fresh pathways?

Shall we let our bodies be free to move and feel and rest and renew? Shall we be our own friends? Shall we let the non-linear flow of artistic inspiration deliver vast productivity? Shall we free ourselves from the imaginary prisons we create with our small minds? Shall we put down our weapons of separation, fear, anger, impatience, righteousness, and blame? Shall we liberate our limiting ideas of who we are and what we’re here to do and what we’re capable of with Spirit as our source?

Shall we dissolve our egoic sense of self and surrender into our own self-love, compassion and forgiveness for our own journeys? Shall we dissolve into the full, emptiness of being? Shall we liberate into the spaciousness of the eternal universe as it dwells in our own hearts? Shall we LIBERATE THE PAST TO THE EARTH AND AWAKEN TO THE NOW OF OUR COSMIC NATURE? Shall we release into the full spectrum of our amazing existence?"

I say YES!

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