Saturday, May 23, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Well it's the Saturday before the Monday we think about the people who have given their bodies to war. Does that include all the people who are still alive with parts of themselves missing or damaged? There must be a way to come to agreement - I don't say "another" way, because I believe war isn't a way - isn't even a beginning of a way.

I've been doing other things besides focusing on creating the DVD. I let my addictive tendency take over - watched hours and hours and hours of a series "RESCUE ME" via Crackle. I watched on the computer. Steve checked in on me several times during the wee hours of the morning. He urged me to come to bed to sleep. I told him I was an adult and would do what I wanted to do - which was give in to temptation. Hah.

In the end, does it matter?

I'm pretty much played out. I didn't watch every single episode. I skipped to the last one thinking it might tie things up the way the last part of a book does. It didn't.

It's a gorgeous day today.

Oh yeah, I have an audition with a theatrical agent to see if I'm worthy of representation. If they deem it to be so, they'll send me out on calls to see if directors of film, TV, voiceovers and prints want to hire me. I used to do this. It's been awhile. The only thing I've done lately is a couple of extra gigs. On one of the gigs I got to do yoga next to Jennifer Anniston in a film that got less than enthusiastic reviews. The name of the film is Management.

For the audition, I'm going to do a piece I wrote. It's part of a little booklet I self-published awhile back - Messages to God and My Other Friends. I'll put it on another post.

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